杨献忠1 , 蔡逸涛1, 康丛轩1, 黄光昭1, 李帅2 , 向华2 |
Discovery of diamond-bearing sedimentary tuff and its prospecting significance in Ligonggang area of Taoyuan County, Hunan Province
YANG Xianzhong 1 , CAI Yitao 1, KANG Congxuan 1, HUANG Guangzhao 1, LI Shuai 2 , XIANG Hua 2
镁铝榴石Cr2O3-CaO关系图[ 27 ] G 0.非榴石类矿物; G1.钛镁榴石; G3.钙镁铝榴石-铁铝榴石; G 4.钛钙镁铁铝榴石; G5.镁铁铝榴石; G9.铬镁铝榴石; G10.镁铝榴石; G12.镁钙铬榴石-镁铝榴石 |