栗克坤1 , 陈新立1, 商朋强2, 于雪良1, 韩志坤1, 魏凡超1, 刘增政1 |
Application of the prospecting method of geophysical and geochemical integrated information in the exploration of fluorite deposits
LI Kekun 1 , CHEN Xinli 1, SHANG Pengqiang 2, YU Xueliang 1, HAN Zhikun 1, WEI Fanchao 1, LIU Zengzheng 1
研究区大地构造位置简图[ 12 ] V-3-1.武夷古弧盆系; V-3-2.南平—宁化裂谷; V-3-3.桃溪古弧后盆地; V-4-1.闽东沿海岩浆弧; V-7-1.松溪—尤溪蛇绿混杂岩带; V-3-1-1.建宁古弧后盆地; V-3-1-2.光泽—泰宁古弧间盆地; V-3-1-3.浦城—顺昌古弧后盆地 |