田纳新1 , 王大鹏1, 郑求根2,* , 杨光庆1 |
Geological characteristics and exploration direction of oil and gas in the passive continental margin basins in the northern part of West Africa
TIAN Naxin 1 , WANG Dapeng 1, ZHENG Qiugen 2 , YANG Guangqing 1
索维拉盆地油气成藏模式(据文献[ 18 ]修改) 1.证实的盖层; 2.成熟的气源岩; 3.潜在的储层; 4.潜在的源岩; 5.潜在的盖层; 6.可能的油/气运移方向; 7.潜在的油/气运移方向; 8.推测的油/气运移方向; 9.证实的储层; 10.上侏罗统碳酸盐岩成藏组合; 11.三叠系—下侏罗统砂岩成藏组合; 12.下白垩统砂岩成藏组合; 13.下—中侏罗统碳酸盐岩成藏组合; 14.断层 |