Abstract:Mercury is one of the dominant minerals in Hunan Province. Under the severe situation of current domestic mercury ore supply, the study about mercury ore prospecting direction can help to promote mercury ore prospecting exploration and has certain social and economic significance. Basic geological features and types of mercury mine in Hunan Province were introduced in this paper. Combining with the actual geological data, the ore-controlling factors were comprehensive analysis for mercury mine in Hunan Province. And the Hunan mercury metallogenic regularities and prospecting directions were initially proposed, with potential evaluation in recent years and elemental mercury geochemical distribution data. Many types of mercury deposits in Hunan Province were mainly formed in Yanshan period, and the most important ore-bearing strata are Cambrian and Devonian strata, which are in spatial distribution of Xiangxi mercury ore belt, following by distribution with a mercury in eastern Hunan.The strata, structure, magmatic rocks and geochemical anomaly are combined to decide the positioning of the mercury deposits.