Discussion on water quality survey method for 1:50 000 alluvial-proluvial fan aquifer survey
CAI Wutian1, LYU Yonggao1, LIU Jiangtao1, BIAN Cao1, Yang Li1, SHI Weiwei2, GUO Lin3
1. Center of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology Survey, China Geological Survey, Baoding 071051, China; 2. No.1 Geological Environment Survey Institute, Henan Bureau of Geo-exploration & Mineral Development, Zhengzhou 450045, China; 3. Henan Institute of Geological Survey, Zhengzhou 450001, China
Abstract:With the object of alluvial-proluvial fan aquifer in Northern Henan, the authors have set up a 1:50 000 water quality survey approach for alluvial-proluvial fan aquifer. This method consists of three stages: workload pre-deployment, field survey and sampling points setting. At pre-deployment stage, based on the preliminary survey, the authors have made research on geomorphologic landscape, pollution potential sources, groundwater flow field and hydrogeochemical type evolution and formed a field survey work map with different density zones by means of assignment and superposition, which is used for macro control survey workload. At field survey stage, measurement and quality control of the pH value, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, redox, and other current hydrochemistry parameters are paid much attention to. And survey points density was adjusted according to the environment of the study area and the number of survey points was also considered with the proportion of groundwater points and non-groundwater points and different depth of water points. At the sampling points setting stage, aquifer stratifying was based on geological environment and the groundwater function of different depth wells. The water chemical parameter information of the surveyed points was also made full use of to identify and delineate the water quality variation area. The sampling points of the water quality variation area and the normal evolution area of the water quality were respectively set by judgment method and uniform method. This water quality survey method can provide some technical reference for the development of high-precision groundwater quality or pollution survey in similar areas.
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