Abstract:The broehole ZKA4 locates in Nantong area of the northern flank of Yangtze River Delta. Quaternary magnetostratigraphy studies show that the 302.7 m core taken from broehole ZKA4 has recorded Brunhes normal polarity chron, Matruyama reversed polarity chron and Gauss normal polarity chron. After systematic sampling, treating and measuring, the vertical distribution depth of the Lower Pleistocene, Middle Pleistocene, Upper Pleistocene and Holocene in broehole ZKA4 are determined by magnetostratigraphic study, AMS 14C dating and core observation. The Q/N, Qp1/Qp2, Qp2/Qp3 and Qp3/Qh boundary locates at 291.72m, 189.39m, 132.44m and 26.14m respectively. These provide a reliable chronostratigraphic framework for regional research on stratigraphic division and correlation, paleogeographic environment as well as coastline changes in Quaternary.
蒋仁,于俊杰,劳金秀,曾建威,彭博. 长江三角洲北翼ZKA4钻孔剖面第四纪磁性地层特征及其意义[J]. 中国地质调查, 2015, 2(7): 30-34.
JIANG Ren, YU Jun-jie, LAO Jin-xiu, ZENG Jian-wei, PENG Bo. Characteristics and Implications of the Quaternary Magnetostratigraphy in #br#
Borehole ZKA4 from the Northern Flank of Yangtze River Delta. , 2015, 2(7): 30-34.