Abstract:In order to improve the geochemical research degree of Nb and Ta deposits in Nianzishan area, the authors conducted 1:10 000 soil geochemical survey to comprehensively analyze the characteristics of geochemical element content, single element exception and comprehensive anomaly in the study area. The results show that Nb, Ta and other elements in Nizishan area belong to high background field and are unevenly distributed in the soil, which may result in the local enrichment of ore deposits. By R-type clustering analysis, these 18 elements were divided into three groups of precious and non-ferrous metal elements, rare and rare earth elements, and dispersed elements, which reflects the clustering and combination characteristics of normal granite elements, indicating that Nb and Ta minerals are closely related to granite bodies. In the study area, 521 single element anomalies and 12 composite anomalies were identified. Among these anomalies, three composite anomalies, Nian-2012-Ht-2, Nian -2012-Ht-7 and Nian -2012-Ht-11, were the key anomalies with great metallogenic potential. Three low-grade Nb and Ta ore bodies and 11 Nb and Ta mineralized bodies were found in the Early Cretaceous alkaline granite and syenogranite after trenching and drilling engineering verification.
张俭峰, 万太平, 李新鹏, 杨文鹏, 赵忠海, 徐东海. 黑龙江省碾子山地区铌、钽矿地球化学特征及评价[J]. 中国地质调查, 2020, 7(2): 30-38.
ZHANG Jianfeng, WAN Taiping, LI Xinpeng, YANG Wenpeng, ZHAO Zhonghai, XU Donghai. Geochemical characteristics and evaluation of Nb and Ta deposits in Nianzishan area of Heilongjiang Province. , 2020, 7(2): 30-38.
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