Main progress and achievements of the geological survey project of Sichuan-Tibet Railway traffic corridor
GUO Changbao1, 2, WANG Baodi3, LIU Jiankang4, TU Jienan5, ZHANG Yongshuang6, MA Jianfei6, TIE Yongbo3, HAN Bing7, MA Xin8, LIU Feng5, LI Xue1, 2, MENG Wen1, 2, ZHONG Ning1, 2, YANG Zhihua1, 2, WU Ruian1, 2
1. Institute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100081, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Active Tectonics and Geo-hazard, Beijing 100081, China; 3. Chengdu Center, China Geological Survey, Chengdu 610081, China; 4. Institute of Exploration Technology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Chengdu 611734, China; 5. China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Nature Resources, Beijing 100083, China; 6. Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Shijiazhuang 050000, China; 7. China Institute of Geo-environment Monitoring, Beijing 100037, China; 8. Center for Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, China Geological Survey, Baoding 071051, China
Abstract:Sichuan-Tibet Railway is a key project planned and constructed in China. It is located in Eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau where the terrain, geomorphology and tectonic activity are extremely complex. There are a series of serious geological problems that need to be solved urgently in its planning and construction period, such as regional active faults with their disaster effects, high geostress with resulted rockburst and large deformation, geological hazards, high temperature with heat damage, high pressure water and mud inrush in fault zone, stability of high and steep slope. In order to support the needs of technical support for the planning and construction of Sichuan-Tibet Railway and to accurately serve the implementation of major national strategies, China Geological Survey has deployed the Geological Survey Project of Sichuan-Tibet Railway Traffic Corridor,which is focused on the key issues restricting the planning and construction of Sichuan-Tibet Railway, and plays an important role in the planning and construction of major national projects. In 2019, it mainly completed 1 350 km2 of 1:50 000 regional geological survey, and 5 000 km2 of 1:50 000 geological hazard survey. six geothermal flow geological parameter wells and etght earth temperature monitoring stations were also constructed. Twehty geostress measurement holes and 11 special geological survey reports were completed. The route optimizat suggestions and disaster prevention suggestions proposed for Dadu River Bridge, Litang Station, and Maoyaba Basin were adopted. The 1:5 000 large-scale aerial geophysical technology was introduced into the survey of complex mountain railway engineering for the first time, and the directional core drilling technology for ultra-long horizontal boreholes at a kilometer level was innovated with a major breakthrough. Besides, the measurement of geostress in horizontal boreholes with a depth of 500 meters was achieved. Overall, the project has improved the degree and accuracy of geological surveys along the railway through the survey and research in 2019. And the theoretical methods of major engineering geological problems and detection technologies in complex and difficult mountainous areas, geological disaster risk prevention, control theory, and key disaster reduction technologies were innovated, which effectively supported the planning and construction of Sichuan-Tibet Railway.
郭长宝, 王保弟, 刘建康, 涂杰楠, 张永双, 马剑飞, 铁永波, 韩冰, 马鑫, 刘峰, 李雪, 孟文, 钟宁, 杨志华, 吴瑞安. 川藏铁路交通廊道地质调查工程主要进展与成果[J]. 中国地质调查, 2020, 7(6): 1-12.
GUO Changbao, WANG Baodi, LIU Jiankang, TU Jienan, ZHANG Yongshuang, MA Jianfei, TIE Yongbo, HAN Bing, MA Xin, LIU Feng, LI Xue, MENG Wen, ZHONG Ning, YANG Zhihua, WU Ruian. Main progress and achievements of the geological survey project of Sichuan-Tibet Railway traffic corridor. , 2020, 7(6): 1-12.
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