The constraints of captured zircon ages from Mesozoic diorite porphyrite vein in Guichi area of Anhui Province on the basement nature of Jiangnan transitional zone
WANG Cunzhi, ZHANG Xiang, HUANG Zhizhong, SONG Shiming, JU Dongmei, CHU Pingli
Nanjing Center, China Geological Survey, Jiangsu Nanjing 210016, China
Abstract:Jiangnan transitional zone is located in the northern margin of Jiangnan Orogenic belt of the lower Yangtze area. In order to investigate the basal nature of Jiangnan transitional zone, the authors conducted U-Pb chronology and Hf isotope analysis on captured zircons developed in the Mesozoic diorite porphyrite vein of Huazhili village in Guizhi area. The results show that these zircons have a relatively scattered age distribution, and the age-weighted average of the five primary zircons is (147.7±2.2) Ma, indicating the age of the vein formation. Except for the oldest one with the age of (3 263±44) Ma, the captured zircon ages are mainly distributed in 850~712 Ma, 1 346~1 139 Ma, 2 283~1 828 Ma and 2 944~2 302 Ma, which are consistent with the distribution ages of detrital zircons in Dongling Group of middle and lower reaches of Changjiang River. The zircon Hf isotopic compositions are similar to those in Dongling Group and Kongling Group rocks, which are different from the basement rocks of Jiangnan orogenic belt, indicating the existence of “Jiangbei” basement in this area. At the same time, Changzhou-Chongyang Fault cannot be used as the boundary between “Jiangbei” and “Jiangnan” basement in Lower Yangtze area, and it is predicted that the boundary is located in Jiangnan Fault, which is more to the south. This new understanding helps us to deepen our understanding of the tectonic pattern of Lower Yangtze area.
王存智, 张翔, 黄志忠, 宋世明, 鞠冬梅, 褚平利. 安徽省贵池地区中生代闪长玢岩脉捕获锆石年龄对江南过渡带基底性质的制约[J]. 中国地质调查, 2023, 10(5): 71-81.
WANG Cunzhi, ZHANG Xiang, HUANG Zhizhong, SONG Shiming, JU Dongmei, CHU Pingli. The constraints of captured zircon ages from Mesozoic diorite porphyrite vein in Guichi area of Anhui Province on the basement nature of Jiangnan transitional zone. , 2023, 10(5): 71-81.
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