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中国地质调查  2024, Vol. 11 Issue (4): 42-49    DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2023.280
  能源与矿产 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
龙建喜1, 周琦1, 张遂2, 朱路艳3, 杨忠琴1
1.贵州省地质调查院,贵州 贵阳 550081;
2.贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局一○三地质大队,贵州 铜仁 554300;
3.贵州省地质矿产中心实验室,贵州 贵阳 550018
Detrital composition of Tiesiao Formation and Liangjiehe Formation of Nanhua System in Songtao Highland of the northeastern Guizhou Province and tectonic setting of its source regions
LONG Jianxi1, ZHOU Qi1, ZHANG Sui2, ZHU Luyan3, YANG Zhongqin1
1. Guizhou Geology Institution, Guizhou Guiyang 550081, China;
2. No.103 Geology Team, Guizhou Geology and Mineral Development Bureau, Guizhou Tongren 554300, China;
3. Guizhou Geology and Mineral Center, Guizhou Guiyang 550018, China
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