Abstract:Jiali County has strong tectonic action, steep terrain, and poor geological environment conditions. The original terrain was destroyed by the construction of national highway G349 from 2018 to 2022, resulting in a sharp increase in the number of geological disasters in the county. The occurrence rate of geological hazard is high during flood period and heavy rain period. This paper fully collected the geological disaster data of Jiali County from 2018 to 2023 to analyze the distribution of geological disasters and disaster-pregnancy geological conditions in detail, based on field investigation and GIS platform. The analysis of disaster-pregnancy geological conditions mainly selects landform, geological structure, stratigraphic lithology, land use type and human engineering activities. And disaster-pregnancy factors include elevation, to pography, profile curvature, fault density, water density, engineering geological rock group, land use type and distance from highway. The results show that the most important disaster-pregnancy geological conditions in the county are human engineering activities, topography, geological structure, engineering geological rock group and land use type. According to the characteristics of the geological conditions in the region, the county was divided into 5 disaster zones, and the distribution and development law of geological disasters and the characteristics of geological conditions in each zone were expounded in detail. The analysis of disaster-pregnancy geological conditions in Jiali County is helpful to understand the development law of geological disasters, and establish the geological disaster prevention and risk management system, which could provide basic references for geological disaster prevention and management and territorial space planning.
孙小勇, 魏龙, 唐华, 刘子畅. 基于GIS的崩滑地质灾害孕灾地质条件分析——以西藏嘉黎县为例[J]. 中国地质调查, 2024, 11(4): 92-100.
SUN Xiaoyong, WEI Long, TANG Hua, LIU Zichang. Analysis of the disaster-pregnancy geological conditions of collapse and landslide based on GIS: A case study of Jiali County in Tibet. , 2024, 11(4): 92-100.
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