Geochemical assessment of soil quality in Qianshan City of Anhui Province
QI Shangxing, AN Bang, TAN Jing, ZHANG Jun
1. Anhui Provincial Institute of Exploration Technology (Energy Exploration Center, Anhui Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Exploration), Anhui Hefei 230031, China
Abstract:In order to understand the geochemical distribution of soil quality in Qianshan City in detail, and utilize land resources scientifically and rationally, the authors in this paper adopted geochemical survey data for land quality to conduct geochemical evaluation and survey of soil quality in Qianshan City. The results show that the comprehensive level of soil nutrients of the study area is mainly medium or relatively deficient, accounting for 88.70% of the total area of the study area. The overall level of soil nutrients in the study area is deficient in Cu, low in B, Co, V, Mn, Mo and high in Zn. The soil environmental quality is mainly risk-free, accounting for 96.89% of the study area, and the risk-controlled area accounts for 3.06% of the study area. The high-risk soil distribution area is small, and it is caused by human-made industrial pollution. The comprehensive grade of soil quality in the area is mainly good and medium, accounting for 47.41% and 41.36% of the study area respectively, and the good quality soil is less, accounting for 8.36% of the study area. The selenium content in the soil is moderate and marginal, and the selenium rich soil area is small, accounting for only 4.98% of the study area. The assessment results could provide references for land use planning, basic farmland construction, agricultural planting structure adjustment, distinctive agricultural development and ecological environment protection in Qianshan City.
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