Abstract:Geological survey modernization is an important part of Chinese modernization program, and also the important supporting and security for Chinese modernization program. On the basis of the review of processes and characteristics of geological survey modernization in developed countries, the authors established an evaluation index system of geological survey modernization from five dimensions, including degree in understanding land basic geological conditions, coverage degree of monitoring and observing of geological resources and environment, degree of developing and sharing of geological data resources, scientific and technological innovation capability of geological survey, and supporting capability of geological survey. And the realization degree of geological survey modernization from 2000 to 2022 in China was quantitatively evaluated. The results indicated that the process of geological survey modernization in China presented an S curve change, and the realization degree reached 73.8% in 2022. The realization degree of geological survey modernization in China is expected to achieve 90% and 100% respectively in 2035 and in 2050. The strategic objectives and development routes of geological survey modernization of China Geological Survey were proposed based on the evaluation results. The geological survey modernization program should be promoted from five perspectives, including basic geological mapping, monitoring and observing of geological resources and environment, integrating and developing of geological data and simulating of earth system, research and development in geological science and technology, and capability building in human resource, equipment, and governance system, to realize the high-quality development of geological survey. The study results could provide basis for promoting modernization of geological survey in China.
杨建锋, 姚晓峰, 余韵, 张翠光, 陈骥, 马腾, 左力艳. 我国地质调查现代化进程评估与发展路径[J]. 中国地质调查, 2024, 11(6): 111-120.
YANG Jianfeng, YAO Xiaofeng, YU Yun, ZHANG Cuiguang, CHEN Ji, MA Teng, ZUO Liyan. Process evaluation and development routes of geological survey modernization in China. , 2024, 11(6): 111-120.
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