Abstract:The main pineapple producing area of Xuwen Country in Zhanjiang City was chosen as the study area to evaluate the elements migration and accumulate characteristics of bedrock-soil-crop system. The soil and pineapple samples were collected to evaluate the elements distribution, migration and accumulation characteristics, combining with the element migration coefficient and bioconcentration factor. The results indicate that the soil elements TP, TFe2O3, Co, Ge, S and Se were categorized as rich level, and TN content was categorized as moderate level, with moderate to relatively rich level of organic matter content and depleted TK content. The Pb, Cr, TFe2O3 and Ni in soil are relatively enriched in soil, and Al2O3, Cu, Zn, Co, Mn, TP and K2O are relatively lost during the weathering process of bedrock to soil. The Co, Cr, Cu, Ge, Mn, Ni and Zn in the soil are mainly derived from the weathering of magnetite, and Se is mainly derived from the weathering of pyrite. Cd and Hg were weakly absorbed by pineapple plants, while the Cd was easier to accumulate in pineapple fruits than other elements. Ge, As, Cd, Se and Ni were the most abundant in the roots of pineapple plants, and Pb, Hg, Cr, Cu and Zn were the most abundant in the leaves. There was a synergistic effect of pineapple fruits on the absorption of Cu, Pb, Cr and Hg.
孙志佳, 李保飞, 赵明杰, 闫兴国, 袁庆政. 湛江市菠萝主产区基岩-土壤-菠萝元素迁聚特征[J]. 中国地质调查, 2023, 10(1): 83-90.
SUN Zhijia, LI Baofei, ZHAO Mingjie, YAN Xingguo, YUAN Qingzheng. Element migration and accumulation characteristics of bedrock-soil-pineapple in main pineapple producing area of Zhanjiang City. , 2023, 10(1): 83-90.
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