Study on the adsorption characteristics of ammonia nitrogen by the riverbed sediment: Taking Xinxiang section of Wei River as an example
HAN Zheng1, ZHANG Jiayao1, MA Mengke1, GAO Tianqi1, YU Liyuan2
1. Geological Hazard Prevention Center of Henan Provincial Bureau of Geology, Henan Zhengzhou 450003, China; 2. China Institute of Water Resource and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100038, China
Abstract:In order to study the migration and conversion of pollutants in river-groundwater system of Wei River Basin, the authors adopted the static adsorption experiment to explore the adsorption characteristics of the feature pollutants in Wei River by the riverbed sediment. The river bed sediment samples in Xinxiang section of Wei River were collected as the soil medium, and the adsorption effect of the river adsorption system on the feature pollutants ammonia nitroger was simulated. The adsorption thermodynamics and kinetics characteristics of each component in the feature pollutants were obtained, and the effects of temperature, pH value and other factors on ammonia nitrogen pollutants adsorption by the riverbed sediment in the study area were explored. The results show that ammonia nitrogen pollutants is released from the riverbed sediment in the study area at [0,10) mg/L, showing desorption characteristics, and that the riverbed sediment shows adsorption characteristics in the study area at [10,50) mg/L. In the oscillation time of [0,60] min, the adsorption capacity of ammonia nitrogen by the river sediment in the study area gradually increases with the increase of time, and it reaches equilibrium after 60 min. The adsorption thermodynamics and kinetics of ammonia nitrogen pollutants adsorption show that the adsorption of ammonia nitrogen the river sediment in the study area is in accordance with the Freundlich adsorption model and the first-order kinetic model. In the pH value range of [2,8], the adsorption capacity of ammonia nitrogen pollutants by the riverbed sediment in the study area increases with the increase of pH value. The maximum adsorption capacity of ammonia nitrogen pollutants by riverbed sediment in the study area decreases with the increase of temperature. This research could provide technical support for the treatment of black and odorous water bodies in river channels, and technical reference for the efficient control of ammonia and nitrogen in black and odorous river channels.
韩政, 张佳瑶, 马孟科, 高天琦, 鱼丽源. 河床底泥对氨氮的吸附特性——以卫河新乡段为例[J]. 中国地质调查, 2024, 11(3): 51-58.
HAN Zheng, ZHANG Jiayao, MA Mengke, GAO Tianqi, YU Liyuan. Study on the adsorption characteristics of ammonia nitrogen by the riverbed sediment: Taking Xinxiang section of Wei River as an example. , 2024, 11(3): 51-58.
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