Mineralization charateristics and target area prediction of underground brine lithium mine in Zigong Area, Sichuan Province |
ZHAN Hanyu1,2, MA Hongman1,2, WU Wenhui1,2, QIN Yulong1,2, WU He3, YI Shengli4 |
1. Key Laboratory of the Evaluation and Utilization of Strategic Rare Metals and Rare Earth Resources of Sichuan Province, Chengdu 610081, China; 2. Sichuan Institute of Geological Survey, Chengdu 610081, China; 3. Sichuan Salt Geological Drilling Team, Zigong 643000, China; 4. Low Pressure Gas Branch, Sichuan Jiuda Salt Company, Zigong 643000, China |
Abstract Lithium as a new energy and material has important strategic significance for national economic construction and defense security. The liquid lithium in brine is the main source of lithium resource. The underground brine resource is abundant in Zigong Area of Sichuan Basin, but the way of exploitation and utilization is onefold. Although there are few researches about the brine lithium resource of Ziliujing anticline, the existing data reveal that the Li+ content of local brine is 2 to 4 times of the mining industrial grade, which has great exploitation value. In recent years, the authors have investigated the distribution of underground brine resources in Zigong Area and analyzed the samples that were collected in favorable areas. The results show that the grade of lithium resource is 3 to 4 times higher than the boundary grade and 2 times higher than the lowest industrial grade. The Li+ content has obvious positive correlation with the contents of Na+, K+, $NH^{+}_{4}$ and Cl-. Therefore, the contents of Na+, K+, $NH^{+}_{4}$, Cl- in brine can be used as an indirect indication of Li+ content. Decreasing the Mg/Li of brine can effectively control the cost of lithium extraction. Compared with the yellow brine, the black brine has lower Mg2+ content and higher contents of Li+, Na+, K+, $NH^{+}_{4}$ and Cl-. Through comprehensive analysis, the authors considered that the axis of Dengjingguan anticline, where the black brine is densely distributed, could serve as a target area for lithium resource exploration.
Received: 29 January 2018
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