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Ⅰ. Peer Review Process

 The peer review prcess is adopted by Geological Survey of China. The manuscript review process is composed of the first review by the editorial board, the external review by the reviewers and the final review by executive chief editor. Any information of reviewers shall not disclosed to the authors.

Ⅱ. Author Responsibilities

 1. The authors should warrant that the content of an article is original, not published and free from plagiarism and forgery, and it is not submitted for publication elsewhere, and that it is free from infringement relating to intellectual property rights and other copyright. Others’ works used in the article must be cited as references.
 2. It is necessary to ensure that each author has a substantial academic contribution to the article, and agree with the authorship and the order in which it appears.
 3. Manuscripts provided by authors should meet the relevant requirements in the instruction for Authors or the journal website, and authors shall provide a complete Copyright Transfer Agreement of the paper to the editorial board.

Ⅲ. Editor Responsibilities

 1. The editors shall treat manuscript in a fair, impartial and timely manner, and shall only make decisions on acceptance or rejection of an article, as per its own content, such as its scientific nature, innovation and readability, and its matching degree with the applicable scope of the journal.
 2. No editors shall be biased against the author's affiliation, gender, professional title, academic honor, etc.
 3. Through duplicate checking by appropriate software, editors must ensure the originality of each manuscript.
 4. Editorial board should maintain academic integrity, and call to account the academic misconduct of all parties involved in the manuscript.

Ⅳ. Duties of Reviewers

 1. Reviewers should maintain academic integrity, and not be influenced by acquaintances to lower academic and ethical standards.
 2. Reviewers should make comments on the content of the manuscript objectively. The reviewer should express their views clearly with appropriate supporting arguments.
 3. The reviewers shall consider any possible interest relationships and identify whether there is a potential conflict of interest with the manuscript under review. If so, they shall give a notice to the editors in a timely manner, stating all relevant interest relationships and avoiding conflicts of interest. If they are unable to determine whether certain relationships constitute a conflict of interest that may affect the impartial review of the manuscript, the editors shall be consulted for further advice.
 4. Reviewers should immediately inform the Editorial Department that if there is academic misconduct during the review process such as duplicate submission, plagiarism, falsification and fabrication.

V. Plagiarism

 Geological Survey of China uses the duplicate checking software ALMC system provided by CNKI service platform to detect the repetition rate of the submitted content. If plagiarism is found after submission, the manuscript will be rejected; If plagiarism is found after publication, we may issue a notice of correction or withdrawal of relevant papers.

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