Study on the development characteristics and control countermeasure of ground collapse in gypsum mining area of Pizhou, Jiangsu Province |
ZHOU Dan1,2, JING Jiajun1, XING Xue1 |
1. The fifth Geological Brigade of Jiangsu Geology and Mineral Exploration Bureau, Xuzhou 221004, China; 2. HOHAI University, Nanjing 210098, China |
Abstract The ground collapse caused by mining is the majon type of geological disasters in gypsum mining area of Pizhou, Jiangsu Province. It has the characteristics of burstiness, contingency and invisibility. It causes huge damage to the safety of residents and their properties due to dense population and widely distributed land and rivers. Based on previous study of geological work, and through field geological survey of the ground collapse, the authors analyzed comprehensively the basic geological conditions, engineering geological conditions, hydrogeological conditions, formation history of the goafs, forms of collapse pits, development processes of the collapse and human engineering activities. The results show that the old goafs of the gypsum mine in Pizhou are mainly distributed in the middle and west of the mining area, whose specification seriously deviates from the mining requirements of the room and pillar method. The overall stability is poor, and the planar and undulate ground deformation is often formed. The recent goafs are mainly distributed in the middle and east of the mining area, which often form dotted ground collapse. The tunnel development areas, mainly located in the middle and east of the newly-built pit, often form dotted ground collapse and hidden points of collapse. Based on domestic managerial experience of ground collapse in gypsum mining area, and combined with the actual situation of this area, the authors proposed a series of prevention and control measures to effectively avoid the risk of disasters. The research could provide some technical support for the following work about control countermeasures of ground collapse in this mining area.
Received: 19 October 2017
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