Characteristics of main Yanshanian structures in Yuyao-Lishui fault zone of Shengzhou area |
CHU Pingli, CHEN Rong, ZENG Jianwei, LIAO Shengbing, YANG Zhuliang |
Nanjing Center, China Geological Survey, Nanjing 210016, China |
Abstract Yuyao-Lishui fault zone is a NE-NEE fault zone with the characteristics of long activity time, far extension and wide development in the southeast of Zhejiang Province. The structural features of the fault zone are very obvious in Moshishan Group of Upper Volcanic Series and Yongkang Group of Lower Volcanic Series, which are located in Shengzhou area of Zhejiang. The Yuyao-Lishui fault zone is composed of a series of NE-NNE normal faults, NE-NNE thrust faults and the folds with NE-NNE axial trace. The normal faults control the formation and development of Cretaceous basin in the study area, and the thrust faults are multi-level imbricate from NW to SE. Through the research of structural activity characteristics and time series of controlling new and old strata, combining with the comprehensive analysis of regional structural activity regularity and temporal and spatial evolution relationship, the authors considered that the normal faults, controlling the formation and development of Cretaceous basin, have formed in earlier times and are closely related to the lithosphere extension in Early Cretaceous, the imbricate thrust faults combined with the fold structure (as inclined folds and closed homoclinal folds) after Late Cretaceous, may be related to the transformation from the Paleo-Pacific tectonic domain to the Pacific tectonic domain. The results could provide the new data for investigating the evolution of Yanshanian tectonics in East Zhejiang.
Received: 05 February 2018
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