Interpretation of lithology-structure in Sangye region of Tibet based on GF-2 satellite remote sensing images |
HOU Dehua, ZHANG Liguo, WANG Shuo, WANG Jingui, CHENG Zhou |
Hebei Regional Geological Survey Institute, Langfang 065000, China |
Abstract Sangye region of Tibet, located in south central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, has strong cutting and steep terrain, and belongs to the alpine gorge area. In order to improve the field work efficiency of regional geological survey, the authors did research of remote sensing interpretation first in the survey. By collecting sufficiently the existing data, doing the pre-processing and image enhancement of the GF-2 satellite data, and combining with field verification, the authors established the remote sensing interpretation signs of each geological elements, and extracted the lithology of different strata, intrusive rocks, faults, folds and other geological elements in the study area. They also made the 1:50 000 geological map of remote sensing interpretation in the study area, which provide data support for regional geological survey. The results show that all geologic elements are well reflected in GF-2 satellite data, which can fully meet the 1:50 000 remote sensing geological interpretation and mapping, and have favorable application prospect in regional geological survey.
Received: 07 February 2018
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