Study on DIKW instance model and size of the marine geological knowledge hierarchy in China |
WANG Shengjie |
Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, China Geological Surevey, Qingdao 266071, China |
Abstract In China, the marine geological survey has started late and lacked an overall evaluation for the discipline development. Utilizing DIKW (Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom, DIKW) conceptual model, the author expounded the composition and associated fields of the marine geological knowledge hierarchy in China, and put forward an example model for describing the system. Through the informetrics method, the author evaluated preliminarily the size of the marine geological knowledge system, and the results show that there are the 100,000 raw data and more than 10,000 research articles in the system. According to the study results of this example, the author analyzed the simultaneous growth of the marine geological data-information-knowledge from 1979 to 2017. After 15 years'(1980 to 1995) sluggish growth, the marine geological work in china has entered a rapid growth period of the transformation from fundamental research to professional investigation.
Received: 19 March 2018
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