Electrical characteristics and tectonic framework of typical karst zone in Yuejiaqiao area of Hunan Province |
CAO Chuanghua, XU Dingfang, KANG Fangping, WEN Wufei, YIN Ou, DENG Zhuan |
Geology Survey Institute of Hunan Province, Changsha 410116, China |
Abstract In order to investigate the current situation of geological disasters in Yue Jiaqiao area in Yiyang City of Hunan Province, the arthors took the typical karst zone here as the research object. The electrical response characteristics of the formation were studied through geophysical methods, such as long-profile high-density electrical method and apparent resistivity combined profile method. A three-dimensional stratigraphic structure model was established by using drilling data and integrated electric survey data. The authors have also revealed the near-surface electrical structure, constructed a three-dimensional stratigraphic framework in this area, delineated the karst range and evaluated the degree of geological disasters. The results show that the integrated electrical prospecting method based on local condition can be useful for quick and effective delineation and evaluation of disaster areas in the karst zones with more water in southern China.
Received: 13 April 2018
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