Progresses and achievements of the National Oil and Gas Resource Strategic Constituency Survey Project |
BAO Shujing, LI Shizhen, XU Xingyou, ZHANG Liqin, DU Zhili, LIN Tuo, TANG Yue, ZHANG Baomin, WEI Dongtao, YANG Jianguo |
Oil and Gas Resources Survey Center, China Geological Survey, Beijing 100083, China |
Abstract The “National Oil and Gas Resource Strategic Constituency Survey Project” led by Oil and Gas Resources Survey Center, China Geological Survey during 2016-2018, aims to realize the strategic discovery and breakthrough of oil and gas investigation in four new fields of “new district, new stratum, new type, new understanding”, and promote the new pattern creation of oil and gas exploration and development. According to the overall deployment and step-by-step implementation principles, the project organized three major scientific and technological battles, including the shale gas survey in Yangtze River Economic Belt, the shale oil survey in Songliao Basin and the oil and gas survey in the new strata of northern new area. On the basis of basic geological survey, the project evaluated a batch of favorable shale oil and gas target areas, and deployed two-dimensional earthquakes, parameter wells and fracturing gas test projects. The project initially found out the resource potential of the new strata in northern new area ,and realized a series of major breakthroughs and discoveries in the Lower Paleozoic shale gas in the middle reaches of Yangtze River, the Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation shale oil in Songliao Basin, the Neogene oil and gas in Wensu Sag of Tarim Basin, the Permian Lucaogou Formation oil and gas in the southern margin of Junggar Basin, the Jurassic Xishanyao Formation coalbed methane, and the Carboniferous-Permian oil and gas in Juyanhai Depression of the Yin’e Basin. These achievements have greatly boosted the exploration confidence in the southern complex structure area shale gas, continental shale oil and the northern new strata oil and gas, and promoted a deep integration of oil and gas geological survey and scientific and technological innovation, forming a new theoretical mechanism of hydrocarbon accumulation. The project played a leading role in the investigation of public welfare oil and gas resources.
Received: 11 April 2019
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