Main progresses and achievements of geological hazards survey in hilly area of southern China |
TIE Yongbo1, XU Yong2, ZHANG Yong3, WEI Yunjie4, YANG Xiuyuan5, ZHANG Taili6, TAN Jianmin2 |
1.Chengdu Geological Survey Center, China Geological Survey, Chengdu 610081, China; 2.Wuhan Geological Survey Center,China Geological Survey, Wuhan 430205, China; 3.Institute of Exploration Technology, Chinese Academy of GeologicalSciences, Chengdu 611734, China; 4.China Institute of Geo-Environment Monitoring, Beijing 100081, China; 5.Center for Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, China Geological Survey, Baoding 071051, China; 6.Nanjing Geological Survey Center, China Geological Survey, Nanjing 210016, China |
Abstract The quantity distribution of geological hazards in hilly area of southern China accounts for about 57% of nationwide geological hazards. The complex geological conditions and induced factors have greatly restricted the ability of local governments to identify and monitor geological hazards in the early stage, which have an impact on the infrastructure, life and property safety and implementation of national major strategic projects. Therefore, it is very important and urgent to enhance the rule recognition of geological hazards distribution and development and the ability of prevention and treatment in hilly area of southern China. In order to meet the disaster prevention and mitigation needs of the national major strategic projects implementation, China Geological Survey has deployed the Geological hazards survey in hilly area of southern China. The support of the national and local disaster prevention and mitigation needs was taken as the project guide, and “Creating the technology, methods and standards” was taken as the project target. Based on the space-sky-ground integrated survey technology, the project team carried out the investigation and application for the early identification, detection and alert, risk assessment, and disaster prevention and mitigation methods of geological hazards, which lead and guide the geological hazards survey in hilly area of southern China. Through the survey in 2019, the authors have a preliminary recognition of the types, distribution rule, hazard level and mechanism of geological hazards in hilly area of southern China, which provides an important basis for the research and evaluation of regional geological hazards. The geological hazards survey results provide effective service for the planning and construction of the national major strategic projects. In the Sichuan-Tibet railway construction, these survey results provided geological comprehensive evaluation suggestion for the station site selection, and the potential landslide hazards were successfully identified, which provided an important geological basis for design changes of the extra-large bridge. The project results served the construction of automated monitoring and early warning system of geological hazards in Wumeng mountainous area and Ganzhou area, which can effectively improve the efficiency and level of disaster prevention and mitigation for local government. The project team promptly cooperated Ministry of Natural Resources for the emergency rescue of major disastrous geological hazards, such as Baige landslide of Jinsha River, Yibin earthquake, Yongjia landslide of Zhejiang Province, and provided effective technical support. During the flood season, the project team carried out more than 20 geological hazards emergency survey for local governments in Sichuan Province and Yunnan Province, which played an important role for the regional security in the flood season. The project team carried out the multiform activities to popularize scientific knowledge about geological hazards, which improve the demotic knowledge level of geological hazards.
Received: 13 March 2020
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