Progresses and main achievements of comprehensive geological survey project of natural resources in Chengde |
YIN Zhiqiang1, WEI Xiaofeng2, LIU Wenbo1, LI Xia1, XING Yingmei3, CHEN Liang4, WANG Ruifeng5, YANG Rui6, MA Guangwei7, PENG Chao8 |
1. China Institute of Geo-environment Monitoring, Beijing 100081, China; 2. Beijing Institute of Geology for Mineral Resources, Beijing 100012, China; 3. Hebei Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Shijiazhuang 050021, China; 4. Sichuan Geological Survey, Chengdu 610081, China; 5. No.4 Geological Team, Hebei Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Exploration, Chengde 067000, China; 6. 514 Brigade of Northern China Geological Exploration Bureau, Chengde 067000, China; 7. No.4 Hydrological and Engineering Geological Team, Hebei Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Exploration, Cangzhou 061000, China; 8. China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China |
Abstract In order to actively investigate the new measures and mechanisms of geological surveys to support the ecological civilization construction and natural resources management, and to enrich the practical experience of transformation and upgrading of geological surveys, China Geological Survey has organized and implemented Comprehensive Geological Survey Projects of Natural Resources in Ecological Civilization Demonstration Areas of Chengde since 2017. Based on the requirement ammunication, field surveys, evaluation and mapping, the authors have initially obtained some important results. ① Natural resource endowment characteristics and environmental background conditions of water, soil, geological relics and ecology in Chengde have been basically identified. And geological problems and potential risks of mine geological environment, forest, grass and wetland have also been investigated. ② The supporting model for the comprehensive survey of natural resources has been explored, from the respects of the evaluation of natural resources and historical culture, the establishment of new ecological cultural tourism pattern and the optimization of the planting sturcture in fruit industry. ③ The controlling relationship between geological formations and agricultural and ecological patterns has been basically ascertained. And the preferred areas of cultivated land resources and afforestation were proposed based on this. ④ Shuangluan district was taken as an example to explore the distribution characteristics of land surface substrate layers, which provided a theoretical basis for suitable forests, farming land and grass. ⑤ The genesis mechanism of mineral water in bedrock mountain areas and trinity technological route of survey and evaluation on quantity and quality, ecology of land resources was put forward. The preliminary progress and results will provide scientific and technological support for the land space planning and use control, ecological protection and remediation, ecological civilization construction and natural resources management in Chengde.
Received: 28 March 2020
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