Research progress and prospect of environmental geochemical investigation of persistent organic pollutants |
MA Jiabao1, LIU Siwen1, WEI Jixin1,2, HUANG Yi1, MA Chenge1,3 |
1. National Research Center for Geoanalysis, Beijing 100037, China; 2. China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083,China; 3. China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Hubei Wuhan 430074,China |
Abstract The environmental geochemical survey of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) is an important mean to study and master its chemical properties, migration, transformation and environmental fate. Three inclusions were summarized based on the research progress of environmental geochemical investigation and research of POPs in recent years. ① POPs generally have characteristic of environmental refractory, long-distance migration, bioaccumulation and high biological toxicity, and the concentration data of POPs have been widely reported in different environmental media around the world. The POPs have become an important risk that endangers ecosystems and human health, with the historical accumulation and continuous release. According to the existing survey and monitoring data, the concentration levels of POPs from test samples of partial water bodies and soil are currently high in China. ② POPs can migrate among different environmental interfaces such as atmosphere-water-sediment or atmosphere-soil, then it can contaminate ground water and migrate to every corner of the surface system. This migration and transformation are closely related to the composition of POPs and the physical and chemical properties, temperature, pH and other factors of the environmental medium. ③ there is a short of continuous and systematic investigation and monitoring about some types of POPs in environmental media such as the atmosphere, water bodies, sediment, and soil, the relevant institutions in China, which results in difficult systematic analysis and research on the pollution levels and long-term changes of POPs. It is suggested that the long-term dynamic monitoring of the atmosphere soil water interface should be strengthened and the monitoring and analysis methods, standards and methods of POPs should be improved. The systematic environmental geochemical comprehensive analysis and research also should be carried out to provide theoretical and practical support for the implementation of environmental pollution prevention and ecological restoration.
Received: 10 January 2023
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