Metallogenic geological conditions, geochemical characteristics and new discovery of ore prospecting in Hongliuyuan-Huitongshan area of Beishan in Gansu Province |
XIE Xie, LI Wenming, GAO Yongwei, YANG Jianguo, QI Qi |
Xi'an Center of China Geological Survey, MLR Key Laboratory for the Study of Focused Magmatism and Giant Ore Deposits, Shaanxi Xi'an 710054, China |
Abstract The Hongliuyuan-Huitongshan area is located in the southern Beishan belt of Gansu Province, which is a favorable area for forming copper, nickel, iron, lead zinc, molybdenum, gold and silver deposits with good prospecting potential. By carrying out the analysis of geological conditions of mineralization, and summarizing the key factors controlling mineralization, the authors identified Au, Ag, As, Sb, Hg, W, Sn, Ni and Cu are the main ore-forming (associated) elements in the area, according to the geochemical characteristics of stream sediments. The anomaly of Ni and Cu is related to the distribution of basic-ultrabasic intrusive rocks, while the anomaly of Au is obviously controlled by the middle Warissian-porphyritic granite and the Late Caledonian quartz diorite. Besides, the anomaly of Au is also closely related to the regional faults and secondary faults that are parallel or oblique. A number of ore sites and mineralization clues were newly discovered in Mingyang copper-nickel mine and Yangfan gold mine through anomalous investigation. Four prospecting areas with great metallogenic potential were optimized based on the analysis of regional metallogenic geological conditions and the characteristics of geophysical and geochemical exploration. Especially, the discovery of Mingyang copper-nickel deposit in Early Paleozoic has achieved a new breakthrough in copper-nickel ore prospecting in Beishan area in recent years. The research results could provide an important basis for further prospecting and deployment.
Received: 28 November 2023
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