Non-negligible new energy in the energy transition context: Natural hydrogen |
TIAN Qianning1,2, ZHANG Wei1,2, WANG Haihua1,2, SHAO Mingjuan1,2, YAO Shuqing1,2 |
1. Geoscience Documentation Center, China Geological Survey, Beijing 100083, China; 2. National Geological Library of China, Beijing 100083, China |
Abstract Global energy structure is experiencing the third transition from fossil energy to non-fossil energy. Hydrogen, as a clean energy that is flammable and does not produce pollution when burned, will play an important role in it. At present, the industrial methods for producing hydrogen are mainly by steam-hydrocarbon (such as coal and natural gas) reforming and by electrolysis of water. In contrast, the exploration and development of natural hydrogen had just started, and natural hydrogen is mined in Mali, Africa as the only example. However, natural hydrogen has been discovered around the world. According to previous studies, the authors of this paper found: natural hydrogen could be abiogenic such as deep-seated hydrogen generation, water-rock reaction or water radiolysis, as well as biogenic such as thermogenesis or microbial action; natural hydrogen can be divi-ded into three categories, including free hydrogen, inclusion hydrogen and dissolved hydrogen; natural hydrogen is widely distributed and presents great potential. According to a latest estimation, the potentiat natural hydrogen sources excluding deep source of hyarogen is about (254±91)×109m3/a; at present, natural hydrogen exploration and development work has been carried out in Mali, Australia, Brazil, the United States and some countries in Europe. Natural hydrogen is expected to be an important part of hydrogen energy production in the future energy pattern. Based on a thorough literature review, this study introduced the origin, classification, and global discovery of natural hydrogen, summarized the current status of natural hydrogen exploration and development ab-road, and analysed the potential of China to search for natural hydrogen underground, aiming to provide reference for the future natural hydrogen exploration and development in China.
Received: 30 January 2022
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