Tectonic setting and provenance analysis for Tailegula Formation black shales in Hala-alat Mountain of Xinjiang
SHU Xiangqing1,2, GAO Baolong1,2, YANG Yuzhen1,2, ZOU Xuan1,2, YUAN Xiong1,2, MIN Dan1,2
1. Central South Geo-Exploration Institute,China Metallurgical Geology Bureau,Hubei Wuhan 430081,China; 2. Institute of Mineral Resources Research, China Metallurgical Geology Bureau, Beijing 101300, China
Abstract:The tectonic framework in Hala-alate Mountain area of Xinjiang at the Late Carboniferous is island arc developed under trench-arc-basin system, and the Upper Carboniferous Tailegula Formation black shale is considered to be a product of deep-water deposition in the trench and forearc basin during the period of island arc effect being relatively weakened, but with a lack of geochemical evidence. Trench exploration and sampling analysis were conducted on the black shales of Tailegula Formation in the study area. The results show that the black shale of Tailegula Formation in the study area is rich in MgO and Na2O, poor in TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 and CaO2, and moderate in SiO2. The large ion lithophile element is relatively poor, and light rare earth element is relatively rich. The heavy rare earth element is relatively loss, and the δEu has negative anomaly, indicating similar distribution pattern with rare earth element in the upper crust. The tectonic setting of Tailegula Formation black shale in Hala-alate Mountain is mainly the continental island arc. The source rock belongs to intermediate to acid and felsic provenance, and it mainly originates from upper continental crust. The source region is probably Early Paleozoic trench-arc of Tarbagatay-Narmande and Late Paleozoic island arc of Xiemisitai-Dongquan in the north. This study could provide some references for the provenance analysis of the giant thick shales in Hala-alate Mountain area.
舒想清, 高宝龙, 杨育振, 邹璇, 袁雄, 闵丹. 新疆哈拉阿拉特山太勒古拉组黑色页岩构造背景及物源分析[J]. 中国地质调查, 2024, 11(6): 44-53.
SHU Xiangqing, GAO Baolong, YANG Yuzhen, ZOU Xuan, YUAN Xiong, MIN Dan. Tectonic setting and provenance analysis for Tailegula Formation black shales in Hala-alat Mountain of Xinjiang. , 2024, 11(6): 44-53.
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