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  2024, Vol. 11 Issue (6): 8-14    DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2024.336
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Second-phase prospecting breakthrough and revelation of hidden rare earth orebody in peripheral Maoniuping deposit in Sichuan Province
YU Yang1, WANG Denghong1,*, LIU Shanbao1, WANG Wei2,3, YU Feng1, ZHAO Zhi1, JI Debao3, YANG Yongshun4, ZENG Simin4, FAN Wenhui5, E Bosijia4
1. MLR Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Assessment, Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China;
2. Chengdu University of Technology, Sichuan Chengdu 610059, China;
3. Sichuan Geology and Minerals Group Co., Ltd., Sichuan Chengdu 610017, China;
4. Xining Center of Natural Resources Comprehensive Survey, China Geological Survey, Qinghai Xining 810000, China;
5. Sichuan Huaxing Geological Design Institute Co., Ltd., Sichuan Xichang 615000, China
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