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2014 Vol. 1, No. 1
Published: 2014-03-01

Orignal Article
       Orignal Article
1 Research Achievements and Prospects on Wenchuan Earthquake-induced Geohazard Investigation
YIN Yue-ping, ZANG Yong-shuang, WU Fa-quan, CHENG Yu-liang
The Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008 is the most destructive large magnitude earthquake inducing the worst geohazards after the founding of new China. The main research achievements and results of the project entitled "Investigation and Evaluation of the Wenchuan Earthquake-induced Geohazards" are presented in this paper. By using technologies such as whole space-aerial-ground investigation, geophysical detection, GPS displacement monitoring, slope ground motion testing, and large physical simulation, the development features of the Wenchuan earthquake-induced geohazards were investigated, and the forming mechanisms of the geohazards caused by coupling endogenic and exogenic geological processes were preliminarily revealed. In order to meet the needs of reconstruction of the earthquake region, a series of key technologies for high-position debris flow prevention and monitoring and early warning were used to provide technical support for major geohazard monitoring and warning, as well as post-disaster reconstruction, in susceptive strong earthquake mountainous regions.
2014 Vol. 1 (1): 1-9 [Abstract] ( 443 ) RICH HTML PDF (11651 KB)  ( 156 )
10 Working Progress of Regional Geochemical Exploration and the Main Achievements in East Kunlun-Altun Mountain, Xinjiang
JING Bao-sheng, TAO Ling, LI Hui
By describing the research extent of and major findings from the regional geochemical prospecting work in East Kunlun-Altun Mountain, the effectiveness of the key techniques used for the regional geochemical prospecting there is illustrated; the enrichment and zonation of 39 elements present in this area are also outlined. Through studies, the authors demonstrate that East Kunlun-Altun Mountain is rich in multiple elements including Pb, Zn, Fe, Cu, Au, Ag, W, Mo, Sn, Sb and Hg, etc; Qimantag of East Kunlun is a polymetallic geochemical zone mainly of Pb, Zn, Fe, Cu, W, Sn, Au, etc; the Arca Mountain area is the principal Hg and Sb geochemical zone in East Kunlun; the Altun Au-Cu metallogenic zone and the Apa-Mangya ultrabasic rock belt are both geochemical zones bearing important geological prospecting significances. All these findings are highly indicative and referential for subsequent geological prospecting efforts in this area and also provide basis for this area to become an important target for integrated exploration and resource replacement.
2014 Vol. 1 (1): 10-13 [Abstract] ( 328 ) RICH HTML PDF (748 KB)  ( 308 )
14 A Study on the Relationship between Large-sized Proterozoic Igneous Provinces and Jinchuan-type Magmatic Cu-Ni Sulfide Deposits in Qilian-Longshou Mountains
ZHANG Zhao-wei, LI Wen-yuan, GAO Yong-bao
The relationship between the mineralization and large-scale Jinchuan magmatic events with respect to the mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the Qilian-Longshou mountain area is not yet clear. This study redefines the geochronological framework of the mafic-ultramafic intrusions and their mineralization by comparison of regional geological formations, detailed description of sections, and petrological and geochemical analysis. The preliminary results showed that the super-sized Jinchuan magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide deposits were the products of large-scale magmatic events in the Neoproterozoic, and may be related to large igneous provinces resulting from the breakup of the Rodinia Supercontinent. There are multi-phased mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the peripheral area. Although the age of the mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the Hualong area in the southern part of the Qilian mountains is different from that of Jinchuan, they were important Cu-Ni mineralization events, which are important to mineral exploration in the region.
2014 Vol. 1 (1): 14-18 [Abstract] ( 302 ) RICH HTML PDF (757 KB)  ( 330 )
19 Pilot Study of 1∶50,000 Geochemical Exploration Methodology on the Forest Swamp Hilly Landscapes of Central North Greater Khingan Mountains
XU Ren-ting, KONG Mu, YANG Shao-ping, WANG Qiao-lin, HAN Wei, GUO Zhi-juan, SONG Yun-tao, WANG Cheng-wen
When carrying out geochemical soil survey in less developed drainadge in forest swamp hilly areas, different sampling media are used to handle the difficulties during sampling coursed by the 1-3m deep claypans in some locations. By comparative study in the grade distribution, elemental distribution of residual soil, humus soil and clay, and by comparative study of element contents in samples collected at the same points, it is conclude that, when carrying out 1∶50,000 geochemical exploration on the forest swamp hilly landscapes in central north Greater Khingan Mountains, the sampling media should be residual slope soil; the sampling grade should be -10~+60mesh; the sampling density should be 9 points/km2; and the field sample processing method should be water sieving.
2014 Vol. 1 (1): 19-27 [Abstract] ( 304 ) RICH HTML PDF (7051 KB)  ( 138 )
28 Isotopic Interpretation of the Groundwater Leakage in Four Eastern Counties of Handan-Xingtai Region, Hebei
JIANG Xian-qiao, SHANG Lin-qun, WANG Yong-qiang, LIU Yu, HAN Chong, CHEN Ying-jie
The attribute of deep groundwater and the hydraulic connection (leakage) between deep and shallow groundwater have always been a topic of research and debate among hydrogeological workers. When collecting and testing hydrogen and oxygen isotopic samples from deep and shallow groundwater in four eastern counties of Handan-Xingtai region, high tritium isotope content was discovered in the groundwater there (15~30 TU, the maximum being 51.1 TU). In this paper, the possibility of shallow groundwater leaking into deep groundwater under specific hydrogeological conditions is examined in the light of the tritium isotopic attenuation in the regional atmospheric precipitation together with the level and quality dynamics of the groundwater, the lithology of aquifers and aquicludes in this area. It is concluded that there is possibility of shallow groundwater leaking into deep groundwater in this area, of which the presence of high tritium content in the deep groundwater there is important evidence.
2014 Vol. 1 (1): 28-31 [Abstract] ( 349 ) RICH HTML PDF (742 KB)  ( 604 )
32 The Geological Characteristics and Prospecting Direction of Ta-Nb Deposits in Laomuzhushi Mountain, Shangcheng, Henan
GUO Jun-gang, BIAN Xiao-dong, WANG Pan-xi, WANG Shou-jing
Laomuzhushi Ta-Nb ore field is located on the north side of the Dabie Mountains, in the core of Qinling-Dabie organic belt where east Qinling fold belt of Qinling fold system extends eastward. Here, a Ta-Nb deposit is found in K-feldspar leucogranulitite of the lower Dahongkou formation . The main Nb-and Ta-bearing minerals are niobite, ilmenorutile and titanium-rich hematite. The Ta-Nb ores there are characterized by fine grains and high level of dispersion. Laomuzhushi Ta-Nb deposit is metamorphic origin . In this paper, our focus is on the deposit geological characteristics and the ore-forming and ore-controlling factors, which are indicative of similar Ta-Nb deposits and other rare metal deposits in South Henan.
2014 Vol. 1 (1): 32-37 [Abstract] ( 329 ) RICH HTML PDF (6371 KB)  ( 383 )
38 Discovery of BIF Iron Ores and CID Iron Oresin Eastern Sudan and Its Prospecting Significance
LEI Yi-jun, LI Yong, YAO Hua-zhou, WANG Jian-xiong, LIU Guo-qing, LI Yan-hua, ZHANG Yan-wei, WANG Fang, Ahmed HaronElTom
A BIF iron deposit newly discovered in the Neoproterozoic stratum of Eastern Sudan is an Algoma type iron deposit having close connection with volcanic rocks. The ore grade is TFe37.78%. This is referential for further studies into the forming age and paleogeographic setting of the Nubian Shield. The ferriferous quartz sandstone found in Block 79 occurs NE in a zonal matrix andoverlies the Nubian Shield with an angular unconformity. Comparison with the CID iron deposits in Western Australia,there is obvious characteristics of redeposition like cross-bedding and basal conglomerateand the ore grade is TFe31.91%~39.33%. Comparative analysis of partial element and oxide contents in BIF iron ores, CID iron ores and the Nubian greywacke and investigation of the ore-controlling factors discovered that the CID iron ores are products of weathered or denudated BIF iron ores that were transported to and then deposited in the nearby paleochannels. The discovery of CID iron ores in the Nubian Shield area of Sudan offers a new target for future prospecting efforts and has very important prospecting significance.
2014 Vol. 1 (1): 38-45 [Abstract] ( 408 ) RICH HTML PDF (3440 KB)  ( 459 )
46 New Progress in Dating of Quaternary Sediments
YUAN Lu-lu, WANG Ming-qi, HU Jia-le
The Quaternary was an important period in the geological evolution history because it is closely related to the human beings. Therefore, highly reliable and precise Quaternary dating is required. Quaternary sediments change overtime in lithology and composition, and may have obvious changes of space in structure and thickness because of different sedimentary conditions and sediment types and geneses, which make it more difficult to determine the accurate ages of Quaternary sediments. This paper presents the new progress in Quaternary dating, such as K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar dating, tektite dating, uranium dating, Amino acid racemization dating, cosmogenic nuclide dating, and electron spin resonance dating, as well as the dating range and objects of the related methods. Furthermore, the present problems and strategies for improvement of Quaternary sediment dating methods are introduced. However, to improve the reliability and accuracy of dating, not only geological experience, but also correct dating methods are required for comparative dating. With more attention paid to recreation of the Quaternary environment and its relationship with global climate changes, the dating methods for Quaternary sediments should be helpful in investigations of global climatic changes and environment evolution in the future.
2014 Vol. 1 (1): 46-51 [Abstract] ( 430 ) RICH HTML PDF (1000 KB)  ( 743 )
52 Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific Papers Supported by China Geological Survey Projects from 1999 to 2013
SHI Jing, WANG Xin, LIU Su-fang, LIU Lan, ZHANG Yin, Li Yu-xin
Statistical analysis is performed on scientific papers supported by China Geological Survey projects from 1999 to 2013 in SCI, CSCD and GDS databases, in terms of the production, institution distribution, disciplinary distribution, journal distribution and author ranking of these papers, in hopes of giving a view of the extent to which Chinese geological survey work has been carried out over the past 15 years.
2014 Vol. 1 (1): 52-57 [Abstract] ( 338 ) RICH HTML PDF (1758 KB)  ( 319 )
58 The Characteristics of Ubiquitous Service-based Geophysical and Geochemical Achievements and Classification of User Groups
ZHOU Jin-sheng, ZHANG Feng-lin, XU Ke-jian, ZANG Xiao-peng
Geophysical and geochemical explorations are two important ways of geological prospecting. Research on the characteristics and classification of geophysical and geochemical achievements will help users to better understand such achievements for the purpose of ubiquitous services. In this paper, a preliminary study on the definition of geophysical and geochemical achievements are conducted, putting forward that research achievements, which have the characteristics of commonweal and commerciality, informationality and physicality, originality and integrity, professionalism and extensiveness, can be divided into three categories: basic research achievements, applied research achievements and development research achievements according to the purpose of research; and the users of geophysical and geochemical achievements can be classified into three groups: professional users, government users and public users. Possible demand for such achievements and the form of expression are also given to provide basis for future ubiquity research.
2014 Vol. 1 (1): 58-62 [Abstract] ( 279 ) RICH HTML PDF (927 KB)  ( 363 )
· 新一轮找矿突破战略行动专刊征稿启事
· 喜讯:中国地质图书馆(中国地质调查局地学文献中心)主办的《中国地质调查》连续第3年入选“中国科技核心期刊”
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· 《中国地质调查》2024年第2期已在我刊网站发布
· 《中国地质调查》2024年第2期电子版已在中国知网发布
· 《中国地质调查》被美国化学文摘社(CAS)数据库收录
· 《中国地质调查》被中国科学评价研究中心评价为准核心学术期刊
· 地矿平台专业知识汇总,这一篇绝对够用!
22 Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China
22 Geological Survey of China
22 National Geological Library of China
22 China Journal Full Database
22 Geological Society of China
22 Shandong Land and Resources
22 East China Geology
22 Chinese Library Classification
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