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2021 Vol. 8, No. 6
Published: 2021-12-20

1 Progress and prospect of ecogeological research
NIE Hongfeng, XIAO Chunlei, REN Weixiang, LIU Jianyu, DAI Meng
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2021.06.01
Ecological geology is an interdisciplinary subject to study the relationship between ecosystem and geological environment. which plays an important theoretical support role in the ecological protection and restoration of land and space. The ecogeology in China is still in the exploratory stage after years of development and sedi-mentierung. The authors in this paper summarize the relevant research progress of ecogeology at home and abroad, based on a large number of previous studies. Internationally, Russia has established an ecogeological survey and research system, and the United States has conducted the research on the earth’s critical zone, which is a theme very consistent with the ecogeological research. In China, ecogeological researches mainly focus on the process and mechanism of ecology-geology interaction and systematic ecological restoration under the influence of geological environment. On this basis, the authors in this study put forward the understanding of the meaning of ecogeology and the understanding and thinking of the research content, method and technology innovation of ecogeology and the construction of discipline system, which would provide reference for serving the overall protection of mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, and grasslands, system restoration, comprehensive management and deepening research of ecogeological system.
2021 Vol. 8 (6): 1-8 [Abstract] ( 251 ) RICH HTML PDF (875 KB)  ( 674 )
9 Ecological and geological interaction model: The coupling of supergene geological processes and ecological characteristics
XIAO Chunlei, NIE Hongfeng, LIU Jianyu, YUAN Guoli, KANG Yihua, WANG Anting, SONG Baofang
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2021.06.02
One of the important contents of the interpretation of the eco-geological interaction model is to visua-lize the weathering and soil-forming process of bedrock and its impact on ecology, including bedrock type, characteristics and migration rules of soil-forming elements in the weathering process, soil structure, and corresponding ecological characteristics. The impact of epigenetic geological processes such as bedrock weathering and soil formation on ecological characteristics is highlighted. In this paper, taking the northern Yinshan of Inner Mongolia, Zhangbei Dam and typical karst area in Southwest China, the authors analyzed the processes and characteristics of bedrock weathering and soil formation under the different supergene geological condition, such as the vertical structure characteristics and material composition of soil, migration characteristics of element, and element enrichment and loss of ecological support layer, and their influence on ecological distribution characteristics. Three eco-geological interaction models are established, including the vegetation distribution and wind erosion bedrock weathering and soil-forming model, artificial forest degradation and weathering alluvial proluvial soil chestnut calcification model in depression basin, and the influence model of soil-forming parent rock on the development degree of rocky desertification. This research helps to reveal the influence of soil-forming process on vegetation distribution and ecological problems, and provides scientific basis for land and space ecological protection and restoration.
2021 Vol. 8 (6): 9-16 [Abstract] ( 151 ) RICH HTML PDF (6963 KB)  ( 399 )
25 Evolution of sandy desertification in North China from 2010 to 2018
LIU Jianyu, NIE Hongfeng, XIAO Chunlei, SHANG Boxuan, LI Wei, JI Xinyang
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2021.06.03
Desertification has became a major threat to the global ecological environment. The wind erosion is very intense in North China, with prominent sandy desertification problems. In this research, the authors selected six northern provinces with widely sandy land distribution as the study area to comprehensively analyze the meteorological and geological factors and discuss the cause of change in Maowusu sandy land and Horqin sandy land, based on the evolution patterns of sandy desertification land by TM images of 2010 and OLI images of 2018. The results indicated that the sandy desertification land in North China in 2018 was 350 800 km2, mainly distributed in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, with severe, moderate and mild sandy desertification land of 119 200 km2 135 400 km2 and 96 200 km2, respectively. From 2010 to 2018, the area of sandy desertification land in North China decreased by 7 400 km2, and the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region decreased mostly with the areas of 4 800 km2 and 1 900 km2, respectively, also with the area of desertification reduction of 35 400 km2. Taking the Maowusu and Horqin sandy land as typical study area, the authors compared the differences of the ecogeological conditions between these two areas, and summarized the cause of improvement and aggravation of sandy desertification. Moreover, the authors suggested that the impact of human activities should be reduced for natural recovery in Maowusu sandy land, and in Horqin sandy the groundwater resources management land should be strengthened and vegetation structure should be optimized to promote returning farmland to forest or grassland. This research would provide scientific reference for the ecological protection of sandy desertification in North China.
2021 Vol. 8 (6): 25-34 [Abstract] ( 158 ) RICH HTML PDF (5266 KB)  ( 217 )
35 Ecological environment function of different geological formations: A case study of Xichang area
ZHANG Tengjiao, LIU Hong, OUYANG Yuan, ZHANG Jinghua, ZHANG Zhenjie, LI Tong
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2021.06.04
The evolution process, material composition and geographical conditions of the area can be reflected by the geological formation background, which can directly or indirectly affect the ecological environment on the bedrock. The ecological environment effect is directly controlled by geological formation in a small range, and then is transformed by different climatic conditions and human activities. The nutrient elements in the soil are basically inherited from the parent rock, and the climatic conditions and human activities will also disturb the physical and chemical properties of the soil. In this paper based on the project “Ecological Geological Survey of Daliang Mountain Area” of China Geological Survey, the authors investigated the sedimentary formation characteristics and its spatial distribution, tectonic attributes and other factors to divide the Xichang area into 11 geological construction units. Each construction unit is studied according to the detailed field investigation and data analysis. The results show that there are obvious differences in the ecological geological environment on the construction units, and the soil-forming parent material and the physical and chemical properties of the soil are restricted by the geological construction background. Besides, there is obvious inheritance in the migration of nutrient elements between the soil-forming parent material and the soil. At the same time, the ecological function attributes of geological construction units are jointly determined by the different geological construction units characteristics and different geographical characteristics. This research would provide the references and guidelines for the next ecological geolo-gical survey.
2021 Vol. 8 (6): 35-49 [Abstract] ( 112 ) RICH HTML PDF (14975 KB)  ( 336 )
50 Classification of soil parent materials in mountain areas of Southwest China based on geological formations: A case study of Daliangshan region
OUYANG Yuan, ZHANG Jinghua, LIU Hong, HUANG Hanxiao, ZHANG Tengjiao, HUANG Yong
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2021.06.05
In this paper, taking Daliangshan region of Sichuan Province as a case study, the authors put forward the classification of soil parent materials based on geological formation, which takes the tectonic evolution and geological formation environment as foundation, and combines with the genetic type of eluvium and slope deposit. The soil parent materials in Daliangshan region are classified into 12 types, including Quaternary alluvial-diluvial deposit, Neogene-Quaternary sandstone and mudstone eluvium and slope deposit, Jurassic-Cretaceous mudstone eluvium and slope deposit, Triassic sandstone and mudstone eluvium and slope deposit, Jurassic-Cretaceous acidic magmatic eluvium and slope deposit, Triassic intermediate-acidic magmatic eluvium and slope deposit, Permian basic-ultrabasic eluvium and slope deposit, Sinian-Triassic sandstone and mudstone eluvium and slope deposit, Sinian-Triassic carbonate eluvium and slope deposit, Proterozoic intermediate-acidic eluvium and slope deposit, Proterozoic basic-ultrabasic eluvium and slope deposit, and Proterozoic metamorphic eluvium and slope deposit. The results show that there are differences between parent material and soil, While different soil types of same parent material have similar geochemical characteristics, and same soil types of different parent material have different geochemical characteristics. Therefore, the classification of soil parent materials based on geological formation can not only effectively reflect the difference of parent materials under diffe-rent tectonic setting and diagenetic environment, but also effectively present the internal relationship between pa-rent material and soil.
2021 Vol. 8 (6): 50-62 [Abstract] ( 165 ) RICH HTML PDF (10876 KB)  ( 268 )
63 Discussion on the eco-geo-environment effects of Neotectonic activities: A case study of Xichang City in western Yangtze block
LIU Hong, HUANG Hanxiao, OUYANG Yuan, LI Wenchang, ZHANG Jinghua, ZHANG Tengjiao
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2021.06.06
The environmental changes and geological disasters in Xichang City of western Yangtze block are closely related to the Cenozoic tectonic activities. The Cenozoic tectonic movement in this area is divided into five stages. ① During the Qinghai-Tibet movement stage (N1-2, 11.6~1.0 Ma), the strata were strongly squeezed to the east to form a series of compound fold systems, and the fault zone was dominated by compressional strike-slip activity.② During the extensional fault depression stage (N2—Q1, 3.6~1.0Ma), the fault zone was dominated by oblique strike-slip activity and the activity intensity was weak, forming faulted basins such as Anning river Valley.③ During the Yuanmou movement stage (Q1-2, 1.0~0.6 Ma), the strata were further squeezed eastward to thicken the crust by thrusting, and the early fold mountain system accelerated uplift. ④ During the tectonic relaxation stage (Q2, 0.6~0.126 Ma), the fault subsidence occurred again in the Anning river valley and other areas. ⑤ During the Republican movement stage (Q3-4, 0.126 Ma to present), the left-lateral strike-slip activity was dominant, and the fold mountain system was slowly denudated and uplifted as a whole. The Neotectonic movement in Xichang City has characteristics of strong intensity, difference, oscillation, inheritance and neogenesis. And it led to the present geomorphological pattern in this area and controlled the distribution of mountains, rivers and lakes, which formed a unique local climate and had great impacts on soil, vegetation and other ecological environment. Besides, the Neotectonic movement also directly or indirectly controls the evolution of geological environment, and the development of geological disasters and earthquakes in this area.
2021 Vol. 8 (6): 63-77 [Abstract] ( 107 ) RICH HTML PDF (13059 KB)  ( 181 )
78 The effects of lithology on the plant community distribution characteristics
ZHANG Lian, WANG Yufei, LUO Jianlin, WANG Zhenli, LEI Tianci
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2021.06.07
Lithology is an important part of ecogeological environment conditions, and it is of great significance for ecological protection and restoration to identify the effects of different lithology on plant community. Taking the rocks, soil and plant community under same landform and climatic condition as research objects, the authors in this paper conducted comprehensive investigation and analysis of plants and soil to explore the corresponding relationship among rocks-soil-plant community. The relationship between geological background conditions and plant community distribution was obtained mainly from the particle distribution size composition, chemical composition and physical properties of soils derived from different parent rocks. The results shows: ① The parent rock lithology, soil texture, soil pH, and soil nutrients, and the major and trace elements are important factors to affect the distribution of plant community; ② The richness of soil nutrients in different lithological areas is ranked according to that in greywacke area>siltstone area>sandy conglomerates area>feldspathic quartz sandstone area>granite area.
2021 Vol. 8 (6): 78-87 [Abstract] ( 233 ) RICH HTML PDF (6142 KB)  ( 251 )
87 Implications of the Mississippi River watershed monitoring and restoration for the watershed ecological protection and restoration in China
XIAO Chunlei, GUO Yixuan, XUE Hao
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2021.06.08
The research and practice of watershed protection and restoration started early in America, and have achieved a good outcome in the restoring and managing of the Mississippi River, which has significant implications for watershed ecological protection and restoration in China. The management approaches of the Mississippi River were introduced in this paper and the long-term monitoring and restoration work of the Mississippi River was summarized. Besides, seven implications for the future work of watershed ecological protection and restoration in China were put forward. ① Indicator system of watershed ecosystem monitoring and evaluation should be established and refined; ② Watershed-wide monitoring networks should be established and long-term continuous monitoring of the whole river should be conducted; ③ A watershed ecological information platform should be built to improve data sharing; ④ The watershed-scale investigations and assessments of ecological conditions should be conducted; ⑤ A cycle system of monitoring, evaluation, planning and implementation should be established; ⑥ The scientific understanding of watershed ecosystem should be improved; ⑦ The collaborative watershed governance should be strengthened to develop an innovative management system of watershed protection and restoration. This research aims to provide a reference example of the watershed monitoring and restoration that covers from the headwater to estuary for the extensively launched watershed protection and restoration work in China.
2021 Vol. 8 (6): 87-95 [Abstract] ( 214 ) RICH HTML PDF (705 KB)  ( 253 )
96 Nature-based Solutions implications for the ecological conservation and restoration in China
XUE Hao, XIAO Chunlei, GUO Yixuan
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2021.06.09
Nature-based Solutions(NbS) are actions to protect, restore and manage ecosystems, and keep sustainable management of ecosystems, which would benefit humans. NbS are widely accepted by the international community as effective approaches to combat human challenges including ecosystem degradation, global warming as well as biodiversity loss. At present, the relevant theories of NbS in the world are still under consturction. The organizations represented by the IUCN have initially established the global standards and guidelines of NbS. The NbS researches in China mainly refer to the global standards, and have not formed a local theory or standard system yet. Besides, the practical work under the standards was also in absence. In this paper based on the literature review of NbS, the authors summarized the development status and tendency of NbS, and investigated the typical case of Banni grassland ecosystem restoration in India. Combined with the national conditions, seven recommendations on NbS for China were proposed, that is mainstreaming the NbS policy, strengthening regional and international cooperation, strengthening the investment of NbS funds, establishing local NbS standards and guidelines, cooperating among departments, emphasizing pilot experiment, and strengthening the bottom-up participation mode. Finally, the authors expect that this paper would provide an international perspective for Chinese researchers and practitioners on NbS.
2021 Vol. 8 (6): 96-104 [Abstract] ( 120 ) RICH HTML PDF (1117 KB)  ( 286 )
105 Spatial distribution patterns of soil chemical elements in important ecological function areas: A case study in Songling area of the Greater Khingan Mountains
YU Junbo, ZHOU Chuanfang, LIANG Zhongkai, SUN Yanfeng, JIANG Ping, HU Chen
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2021.06.10
The Greater Khingan Mountains forest belt is an important area in the ecological security pattern of Two Barriers and Three Belts in China. Songling area in the northern part of the Greater Khingan Mountains is currently a blank area for ecogeological survey. Exploring the content and spatial distribution pattern of soil elements can provide basic support for ecological protection and restoration in the study area. In this paper, based on the multi-purpose regional geochemical survey and analysis method, the authors discussed the geochemical characteristics and distribution patterns of each element index in surface and deep soils of Songling area. From the perspective of the elements distribution patterns, the content of total C, N, P and S in the surface soil was significantly higher, while the content of K2O, CaO, Na2O and SiO2 in the surface soil was significantly lower. The distribution positions of F, Cl, Br and I in the high value areas of the surface soil were mainly affected by the deep soil, and the enrichment of Br and I in surface soil was closely related to organic matter. As, Cd, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn and other heavy metal elements in the soil slightly exceeded the standard according to the Nemerow comprehensive index.
2021 Vol. 8 (6): 105-113 [Abstract] ( 120 ) RICH HTML PDF (5487 KB)  ( 176 )
114 Distribution characteristics of lakes in China and suggestions for ecological protection and restoration of typical river basins
SHANG Boxuan, XIAO Chunlei, ZHAO Dan, ZHU Zhenzhou, ZHANG Gaoqiang
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2021.06.11
Lakes are key components of the Earth’s Critical Zone and significant parts of the water cycle, matter cycles and energy cycles. In order to comprehend the lake distribution in China, based on the “Eco-geological Survey Project” of China Geological Survey and its sub-project “National Remote Sensing Geological Survey of Earth’s Critical Zones”, the authors in this research used Landsat8 OLI satellite images, remote sensing interpretation and other technical methods to identify 2 780 lakes(lake area≥1.0 km2) with a total area of 78 727.9 km2 in the territory of China (not including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan areas). The number, area and distribution characteristics of lakes in China’s provincial-level administrative regions, five typical lake regions, and the main river basins are analyzed. In addition, the research aims at the ecological problems in typical lake regions, and relevant suggestions on lake ecological protection and restoration are put forward. The lakes in the northern agro-pastoral ecotone have shrunk and dried up, mainly due to the development of agriculture and animal husbandry and serious groundwater over-exploitation, so efforts should be made to reduce groundwater exploitation. The disorderly development and excessive pursuit of landscape water surface expansion exists in the construction of artificial lakes in the Yellow River Basin, so we should follow the natural law of water cycle and water balance and regulate the allocation of water resources in the whole basin. The water surface of lakes in the source area of the Yangtze River is in an expanding state as a whole, mainly due to natural factors and supplemently by human activities. The monitoring of frozen soil change process and water ecology and water environment of main rivers should be strengthened to comprehensively improve the overall monitoring level of the source area. The research results provide a method reference for the follow-up ecological protection and restoration work.
2021 Vol. 8 (6): 114-125 [Abstract] ( 136 ) RICH HTML PDF (8689 KB)  ( 154 )
126 Landuse types change and ecological environment assessment of Xiaoyangqi district of Daxing’an Mountains based on remote sensing
CHEN Zhuo, CHEN Jianping, ZHOU Chuanfang, LIU Tao, JIANG Ping, ZHANG Qipeng
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2021.06.12
The Xiaoyangqi district is located in southern Daxing’an Mountains, and belongs to Daxing’an Mountains forest ecological function district, with the high forest coverage and rich wetland resource, which used to be timber production base. In order to master the situation and change of landuse types and evaluate the ecolo-gical environment condition, the authors used the multi-source remote sensing data, the multi-resolution segmentation technology, and decision tree and visual interpretation methods to obtain the area of differen landuse types of 1985, 1998, 2008 and 2018, calculate the Ecological Index (IE) and analyse ecological environmental condition. The results show that the landuse types in the study area are mainly forest, wetland and water bodies, which account for more than 97% of the total area. Swamp meadow was mainly transformed from broad-leaved forest, and agricultural land was mainly transformed from broad-leaved forest and swamp meadow. The grassland was mainly converted into broad-leaved forest and swamp meadow. And the transformation between broad-leaf forest and swamp meadow is the strongest. The new-added human facilities occur on the original broad-leaf forest and swamp meadow areas. In general, ecological condition remains favorable, and plays an important role in ecological security and developing green economy.
2021 Vol. 8 (6): 126-134 [Abstract] ( 113 ) RICH HTML PDF (3560 KB)  ( 122 )
135 Analysis of the dynamic change characteristics of forest land, grassland and wetland in Xichang City from 1989 to 2018
ZHANG Jinghua, OUYANG Yuan, LIU Hong, ZHANG Tengjiao, LI Fu, HUANG Yong
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2021.06.13
Remote sensing technology has been widely used in ecological environment investigation and research. In order to obtain the evolution trend of ecological environment in Xichang City in recent 30 years, the authors in this research used TM (Thermal Mapper) remote sensing images in 1989, 2000 and 2010 and OLI (Operational Land Imager) remote sensing images in 2018 to acquire the landuse/cover data of Xichang City from 1989 to 2018 and investigate the dynamic change characteristics of forest land, grassland and wetland, through image processing, visual interpretation and field verification. The results show that the area of forest land, wetland and grassland in Xichang City continued to increase from 1989 to 2018, which indicated the improved ecological environment. The forest land is mainly distributed in Anning River Valley and the mountains around Qionghai Lake Basin, and the main forest areas are formed in the areas of Maoniu Mountain and Luoji Mountain. The grassland is mainly distributed in the area of Maoniu Mountain and Luoji Mountain in the forest area, and the wetland is mainly river wetland and lake wetland, mainly distributed along Anning River and Qionghai Lake. However, there still exist some unsolved problems. The coniferous phenomenon is widespread in the forest and the tree species aren’t rich, and the fire prevention should be strengthened in forest area. The grassland is distributed sporadically, without comprehensive system structure and geod quality function. Most of the grassland with low productivity is not suitable for extensive construction and should be converted to forest by closing hillsides for afforestation. The wetland has limited distribution, which need excessive protection. The research results of this paper can provide a scientific basis for the formulation of ecological protection and restoration measures and the sustainable development of economy and society in Xichang City.
2021 Vol. 8 (6): 135-143 [Abstract] ( 143 ) RICH HTML PDF (6252 KB)  ( 247 )
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