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2022 Vol. 9, No. 4
Published: 2022-08-20
Genetic mechanism and risk assessment of typical geological hazards in mountainous and hilly areas of South China
TIE Yongbo, SUN Qiang, XU Yong, ZHANG Yong, WEI Yunjie, YANG Xiuyuan, ZHANG Taili, TAN Jianmin
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.04.01
The mountainous and hilly area of South China has a large geographical span, with complex geological hazard pregnant background and diverse disaster modes, and it is an area with dense distribution of geological hazards in China. Aiming at the potential risk of geological hazards in mountainous and hilly areas of South China, the authors in this paper systematically analyze the climatic dynamic characteristics and geological structure background of geological hazard in mountainous and hilly areas of South China, based on progress of the implementation of “geological hazard investigation project in mountainous and hilly areas of South China” by China Geological Survey. The disaster models of typical geological hazards and the demonstration results of multi-scale risk inve-stigation and evaluation are analyzed, and the formation mechanism and provenance erosion mechanism of typical typhoon geological hazards in southeast coastal areas, karst collapse in South China, moraine soil debris flow in southwest Alpine mountainous areas and post fire debris flow in Western Sichuan Plateau are revealed. On this basis, a multi-scale geological hazard risk assessment demonstration based on counties, key towns and typical disaster points in mountainous and hilly areas of South China was carried out, and the relevant results were applied in the planning and route selection of major projects in Southwestern China and the relocation site selection of counties.
2022 Vol. 9 (4): 1-9 [
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Movement characteristics of rockfall under earthquake in Guoda Mountain of Kangding City
XU Wei, ZHU Zhiming, TIE Yongbo, YUAN Chuanbao
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.04.02
The landforms in Kangding City are deep-cutting valley, with steep slopes and exposed bedrocks, and the falling rocks and earthquakes occurred frequently in this area. In order to carry out the study on the characte-ristics and laws of the collapse movement under the earthquake action, the researchers in this paper take rockfalls in Guoda Mountain of Kanding City as a case study and adopt the Particle Flow Code software PFC
to simulate the movement characteristics and failure process rockfall at different locations (boulder stone on the top of slope, catallactic rock mass on the slope, collapse accumulation in the middle of slope, block rockfall under the slope) under Ms 8.0 earthquake. The results are as following: ① The boulder stones on the top of slope with small mass are easy to be started, and the boulder stones with nearly spherical shape are easy to be capsized and rolled. The movement types after departing along the free face are falling, colliding and rolling, with the highest rate of 11.8 m/s. ② The failure process of catallactic rock mass on the slope can be divided into four stages, including extending - penetrating of fracture, starting - falling, crashing - disintegrating, and rolling - stacking. The block rock mass above the catallactic rock mass moves furthest, up to 269 m. ③ The collapse accumulation forms a debris flow from front to back, and its movement types along the slope are rolling and colliding. ④ The movement characteristics of fallrocks in the lower part of the mountain are starting, sliding, squeezing, disintegrating, re-sliding, re-squeezing and accumulating. ⑤ The collision, friction, extrusion and disintegration occurred in the collapses in different locations during movement, which quickly consumed their own kinetic energy and caused sharply dropping in distance and speed. The discrete element simulations could help refined understanding of collapse in deep-cutting valleys, which provides some scientific basis for the project management of collapse and disaster prevention in mountainous regions and cities.
2022 Vol. 9 (4): 10-18 [
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Analysis of formation mechanism of Lajinshengu landslide in Lancang River
WEI Yunjie, WANG Junhao, HU Aiguo, GOU Antian
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.04.03
Ancient fording landslide is a common disaster for hydropower projects in Southwest China. Revealing the disaster mechanism of such landslides is helpful for reduction of the risk probabi-lity of chained disaster. Taking the Lajinshengu landslide in Deqin County of Yunan Province as an example and based on the field geological survey, Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) and numerical modeling, the authors in this paper analysed the formation characteristics and the failure progress of the landslide, combining with the engineering geological elements of the landslide area. The result show that: ① The disaster processes of Lajinshengu landslide are the local deformation stage of the front, tension stage of trailing edge, sliding--barrier lake stage and collapse stage of the barrier lake. ② The direct reasons for the landslide deformation are synergy of rising water level and rainfall. ③ The possibility of a landslide blocking chain disaster is very high, if the geological environment of the landslide continues to deteriorate. The InSAR and other monitoring techniques are suggested to carry out the early identification of similar wading ancient landslides in this paper through the study of the disaster mechanism of the ancient landslide in the Lajinshengu landslide, which are of great significance to reduce the risk caused by chain disasters.
2022 Vol. 9 (4): 19-26 [
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Risk assessment of geological hazards in towns alongside the Yangtze River in the Three Gorges Reservoir area: A case study of Dazhou Town in Wanzhou District of Chongqing City
YANG Xiuyuan, FU Jie, HAN Xudong, PAN Shuhua, ZHANG Chao, LI Gang, LV Fenglan
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.04.04
After the completion of the Three Gorges Water Conservancy Hub Project, the new type of wading town is confronting with the difficulties of geological hazards and risks quantification. Based on the fining geological investigation, the authors in this paper take Dazhou Town in Wanzhou of Chongqing as an example to analyze the development characteristics, stability and hazards of geological disasters and construct an urban-scale geological disaster risk assessment framework based on slope unit hazard assessment and disaster susceptibility assessment by hazard source analysis. The stability of the slope under the extreme rainfall scenario of different recurrence periods were quantitatively calculated, and the vulnerability of the disaster bearers under different disaster intensities were analyzed, which can help realize the geological disaster risk assessment in the market town area. Finally, the territory development suggestions of Dazhou market town were proposed based on development of social and economic and geological disaster analysis. The results of geological disaster risk assessment in this paper have guiding sig-nificance for local development planning, and references value for the geological disaster risk assessment of similar cities and towns along the river.
2022 Vol. 9 (4): 27-36 [
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Study on the development law of geological disasters and the countermeasures of disaster prevention and reduction in Panzhihua City
MA Chengbing, TANG Desheng, XIAO Yuyue, SHE Meng, HAO Lei
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.04.05
In view of the frequent occurrence of geological disasters of typical “dry and hot valley basin” in Panzhihua City of Sichuan Province, the authors in this paper statistically analyzed the relationship between different types of geological disasters and disaster control factors such as topography, rock and soil types, and systematically analyzed the development and distribution law of geological disasters in Panzhihua City, based on the collection of geological disaster data in the study area. Besides, the close relationship between human activities and geological disasters in the dry and hot valley area were revealed, and the influence characteristics of special slippery strata of Xigeda Formation in the area on regional geological disasters were summarized. This research can provide reference for local governments in disaster prevention and mitigation and urban and rural construction planning.
2022 Vol. 9 (4): 37-44 [
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Spatial heterogeneity of influencing factors of landslide disasters in Lushan County
ZHOU Yi, DING Mingtao, HUANG Tao, HE Yufeng
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.04.06
The geological environment and ecological structure are relatively fragile in Lushan County due to the frequent earthquakes in recent years. The high-frequency landslide disasters restrict the infrastructure construction, economic development, and threaten the safety of people’s lives and properties. The analysis of spatial hete-rogeneity of influencing factors of landslide disasters in Lushan County under static geological environment can provide basic data for land and space planning in the region and data support for landslide disasters prediction and prevention. The relationship between landslide development and 12 influencing factors, such as elevation and slope, were analyzed by information model and geographic detector, and the law of landslide development were summarized. Besides, the spatial heterogeneity characteristics of influencing factors were also studied, and a landslide-prone Sexual Evaluation Chart was generated using GIS weighted superposition. The results show that ① Landslides are mainly concentrated in areas with low elevations ([571,1 300) m), close to the road ([0,300) m) and water system ([0,300) m), small topographic relief ([0,30) m), gentle slope ([0°,30°)) and close to fault ([0,600) m). The landslides occurred in sedimentary rocks of silty mudstone, argillaceous siltstone, mudstone and Quaternary sedimentary, and lands for construction and agriculture. ② Landslide development is mainly controlled by factors such as elevation, distance from road and engineering geological rock group. And the land use type, distance from water system, terrain relief, slope, and distance from fault also have high contribution rates to the landslide. ③ The effects of two different influencing factors on landslide development show two-factors or nonlinear character compared with a single factor. The interaction between the distance from the road, elevation and other factors is the strongest. ④ The landslide-prone areas and extremely high landslide-prone areas are mainly distributed in the middle and low mountain canyons, hilly areas and river valley landforms in the southeastern areas.
2022 Vol. 9 (4): 45-55 [
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Development characteristics and prevention measures of slope debris flow in Nimanong Natural Village of Xietongmen County in Shigatse City
XU Wei, WANG Zuquan, NI Dexing, TIE Yongbo
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.04.07
Slope debris flow has the characteristics of small scale, wide distribution, sudden outbreak, fast flow, short process and large impact force, which is a very serious natural disaster. To find out the development characteristics of slope debris flow of Nimanong Natural Village in Xietongmen County of Rikaze City of Tibet, the authors in this paper adopted fine field investigation and measurement as working method to find out the characteristics in geological environment , the debris flow area division, main channel and branch lander channel characteristics, the debris flow formation conditions and the debris flow provenance transformation relations. Therefore, the development trend of debris flow was analyzed and the danger area was delimited. The results show that the total amount of loose solid sources in the basin are about 22.72×10
, and the kinetic reserves that may be involved in debris flow activities are about 7.82×10
. The debris flow disaster at large scale would be induced once the slope debris flow erupted. The comprehensive disaster-causing ability of debris flow is strong, and the disaster-resisting ability of the affected body is poor, which makes the urgency of debris flow treatment to be grade I. Two treatment schemes of “diversion channel + intercepting channel + diversion dike” and “diversion protection dike” are put forward to provide technical support for prevention and controlling of debris flow.
2022 Vol. 9 (4): 56-65 [
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Promoting effect of vegetation on the landslide induced by typhoon rainstorm
SUN Qiang, ZHANG Taili, WU Jianbo, HAN Shuai, ZHAO Yang
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.04.08
Vegetation is widely used for preventing landslides around the world. However, an amount of rainstorm-induced landslides occurred frequently on vegetation-covered slopes during the typhoon season in the coast of Southeastern China. In order to investigate the effect of vegetation on the development of landslide under the condition of typhoon and rainstorm, the authors in this paper simulated the effect of wind load and vegetation swaying on stability of landslide through wind tunnel physical simulation tests. The results show that the load exerts on the slope by typhoon through vegetation shouldn’t be ignored. The wind load can increase the sliding force by more than 10% under super typhoon (with wind speed of 17 m/s). Meanwhile, the strong torque was loaded the on soil via the vegetation root, resulting in cracks in the soil. These cracks provide fast paths for rainwater infiltration, and the permeability coefficient of soil increased more than ten times later. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the potential implications of vegetation in the future, especially the high trees, which have disadvantages on landslides during typhoons.
2022 Vol. 9 (4): 66-73 [
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Numerical simulation study of the influence of groundwater seepage field on the stability of landslide in reservoir: A case study in Yangjiaotan landslide of Baimaku area
TIAN Kai, YAO Pinpin, TIE Yongbo, XU Wei
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.04.09
Aiming at the complex problem of quantitative evaluation of the landslide stability under the condition of reservoir water level change, the authors in this paper considered the influence mechanism of rainfall and reservoir water level changes on groundwater seepage field, and adopted the basic theory of saturated-unsaturated seepage and seepage simulation finite element method to simulate the Yangjiaotan landside stability in the reservoir area under 6 different conditions. The results show that: ① Rainfall has an impact on the groundwater seepage field, with the greatest impact in the middle of the groundwater level and little impact on the front and back. Under rainfall conditions, the stability of the landslide decreases with the increase in rainfall duration. The landslide began to slip after reaching a certain stage, and the landslide stability coefficient keep unchanged. ② Under the condition of the reservoir water level, the front edge of the landslide was mainly affected, and groundwater level changes rapidly with the change of the reservoir water level. The landslide stability coefficient shows a trend of first decreasing and then increasing with the rising reservoir water level. ③ The sudden rise of the groundwater level has limited impact on the floating effect, but it has a greater impact on counter poising. Besides, it also reduces the impact of the seepage force, which has a positive effect on the stability of the landslide. The sudden drop of the groundwater level increases the seepage force, weakening the effect of leading-edge reservoir water level on counter posing, so the possibility of landslide instability is greatest. The research results can provide a scientific basis for the prediction of the current stability and development trend of such landslides in the reservoir area.
2022 Vol. 9 (4): 74-81 [
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Risk assessment on urban geological disaster based on numerical calculation
GONG Lingfeng, XU Wei, TIE Yongbo, LU Jiayan, ZHANG Yu, GAO Yanchao
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.04.10
Quantification of geological disasters risk at urban scale under different rainfall intensity is difficult points during geological disasters risk assessment. Taking the landslide chain disaster in cluster shallow of red bed area as a case study, the authors in this paper explored a new risk quantitative evaluation method of geological disaster at town scale to provide a foundation for the risk assessment of urban geological disaster. By querying the statistical parameters of rainfall under different rainfall frequencies in the Mihe area in Xide Town, the authors census the data of the national rainfall station and the distribution characteristics of rainfall patterns of 18 geological disasters in the past 50 years. Through the statistics of soil thickness, extraction of vegetation coverage and terrain data processing, the risk of geological disasters in cities and towns was calculated based on STEM TRAMM numerical calculation method and rainfall distribution curve, and the risk assessment map of geological disasters in the study area was drawn. Through the comparison of remote sensing interpretation data, ground survey data and disaster database data with numerical calculation results, the authors find that it has good adaptability, convenience and science of the application of rainfall characteristic statistics and STEM TRAMM numerical calculation method on fine evaluation of urban geological disaster risk in red layer area, which can provide some ideas for the hazard assessment of urban geological disasters under different disaster pregnant background.
2022 Vol. 9 (4): 82-91 [
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Application discussion on early identification of geohazards based on multi-source remote sensing technology: A case study on mountainous areas of southwestern China
LIANG Jingtao, ZHAO Cong, MA Zhigang
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.04.11
In the early identification of geological disasters such as landslides and collapses, multi-source remote sensing technologies based on InSAR, optical remote sensing, and airborne LiDAR have played an important role. In view of some problems in the application, based on the practice of many projects, the authors in this paper summarized the applicable conditions of multi-source remote sensing technology in the field of early identification of geohazards in mountainous areas of southwestern China, and put forward corresponding application suggestions. The main understandings are as follows: ① The InSAR identification effect of potential geohazards is restricted by vegetation coverage, terrain conditions and data source types. And it should be paid attention to the chosen of key data processing parameters in the application of wide-area InSAR. Besides, it is necessary to establish the field judgment methods for the InSAR identification as soon as possible, and unify the evaluation criteria of the “deformation degree” of the surface deformation area and the InSAR identification. ② The early identification of geohazards by optical remote sensing is suitable for the three types, including slope area with obvious deformation characteristics, historical slope geohazard, debris flow and potential debris flow ditch. Appropriate data sources should be chosen according to the requirements of different work tasks. And the analysis of the background conditions of the geological environment should be paid attention, while the shortcoming of “micro-deformation” detection should not be challenged. ③ Airborne LiDAR has obvious advantages in early identification of geohazards in high-density vegetation coverage areas, comparing with InSAR and optical remote sensing. The laser point cloud density should be no less than 30-50 points/m
in actual applications. ④ Nap-of-the-object photogrammetry technology is suitable for early identification of high-position collapse (dangerous rock mass), which belongs to the category of optical remote sensing, and its identification effect is also affected by the degree of vegetation coverage. The reasonable detection distance should be set in application and specific value of distance can be adjusted according to the regularity of the dangerous rock wall, which is recommended to be no less than 30 meters. ⑤ Suggestions were proposed, including the comprehensive application of multi-source remote sensing technology and methods with complementary advantages, multi-level arrangement of work deployment, focusing on interdisciplinary application and comprehensive training of interpreters and establishment of geohazards information acquisition capacity progress as soon as possible.
2022 Vol. 9 (4): 92-101 [
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Numerical analysis on dynamic characteristics of Zhonghai Village landslide in Hanyuan County of Sichuan Province
XU Yizi, FAN Xiaoyi, ZHANG Youyi, TIAN Shujun, WEN Xiang, LIU Haonan, ZHENG Yufeng, LIAO Hongyang
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.04.12
The disaster-causing factors and the instability mechanism of the landslide are clarified through the on-site investigation of the landslide disaster in Zhonghaicun area in this paper. And the dynamic parameter inversion analysis of the landslide is carried out based on the numerical model of the continuum mechanics theory. The results show that the continuous rainfall and the special lithological characteristics of the Quaternary Sigda semi-diagenetic rocks are the key factors for the occurrence of Zhonghaicun landslides. The landslide movement lasts about 70 s, and the pore water pressure coefficient of the landslide is 0.8, with maximum accumulation thickness of 8 meters and maximum movement velocity of 16.2 m/s. In the entire process of landslide movement form and velocity evolution, the main accumulation areas are the 1st-level platform and the 3rd-level platform. The movement speed has three peaks, and the stepped terrain is the main reason for the staged speed peaks.
2022 Vol. 9 (4): 102-111 [
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Causes and rapid detection methods of urban road collapse in Chengdu City
XIE Xiaoguo, ZHANG Wei, LUO Bing, SUN Dong, WANG Qiang, LIU Weizu, YANG Tao
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.04.13
The urban public safety is seriously endangered by urban road collapse. The rapid, accurate and green detection of hidden dangers of urban road collapse will help reduce the development of urban underground diseases and improve the ability of urban safe operation. The main causes of urban road collapse in Chengdu City include complex geological structure, abundant groundwater and frequent humanistic engineering activities through investigation and analysis. The vehicle mounted three-dimensional geological radar is used to conduct a quick detection on urban roads, and a detection system is established based on detection, interpretation, verification, evaluation, results and information management. The results show that vehicle mounted 3D geological radar is an effective method for rapid detection of hidden dangers of urban road collapse.
2022 Vol. 9 (4): 112-120 [
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Remote sensing identification and susceptibility evaluation of landslide hazards in Wenchuan-Songpan section of National Highway 213
HUANG Yanqin, LI Weile, XU Zhou, LI Pengfei, TIE Yongbo
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.04.14
The Wenchuan-Songpan section of National Highway 213 is located in a mountainous area with strong earthquakes, where the landslide disasters occurred frequently. The traffic in this area is interrupted every year due to landslide disasters, so it is urgent to identify the space distribution of landslide hazards along the line and evaluate the susceptibility. A total of 288 landslide hazards were identified by the optical remote sensing and InSAR integrated remote sensing technology, of which 27 deformation landslide hazards were detected by InSAR. The identified landslide hazards were set as evaluation samples, and 9 influences including elevation, slope, slope aspect, surface curvature, engineering geological rock group, normalized vegetation index (NDVI), distance from road, distance from river, and distance from fault were selected. Besides, the logistic regression model is used to evaluate the susceptibility of landslide hazards in highway corridors. The evaluation results can provide a reference for the prevention and control of landslide disasters in the Wenchuan-Songpan section of National Highway 213.
2022 Vol. 9 (4): 121-133 [
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Detection of potential landslides in the section from Kagong County to Rumei Town of Lancang River based on InSAR technology
CHEN Junyi, LI Weile, LU Huiyan, LI Pengfei, TIE Yongbo
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.04.15
The section from Kagong Gounty to Rumei Town of Lancang River is located in the southeast of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, with high altitude, deep-cutting valley, unrolling terrain and rich in hydraulic resources. Because of the complex geological structure in this region, there are many high-position geological hazards, which seriously affect the safety of downstream hydropower station construction. The potential landslides within 5 km of the main stream of the Lancang River from Kagong County to Rumei Town section were detected using Stacking-InSAR technology to ensure the safety construction of hydropower stations downstream. The quantity and distribution characteristics of potential landslides in the study area were obtained, and typical potential landslides were selected to analyze their deformation characteristics in time series. The results show: ① A total of 149 potential landslides were detected by ascent and descent orbit images in the study area, with characteristics of free surface development and less vegetation coverage. The landslide surface is full of gully,and shallow collapse occurred in partial areas with serious erosion and loose structure. ② The potential landslides in the study area are mainly rockfalls and landslides, with a total of 54 potential rockfalls and 95 potential landslides. ③ In the study area, most of the potential landslides show multistage sliding trend and are in uniform deformation stage. However, the average annual deformation rate and cumulative deformation in the line of sight are large, indicating that the slope is unstable and poses a great threat to residents along the Lancang River and the construction of hydropower stations downstream.
2022 Vol. 9 (4): 134-143 [
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