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2015 Vol. 2, No. 7
Published: 2015-12-18
Main Progress and Achievements in 1:50 000 Regional Geological Survey of Houjiexu, Xiaolanzhen, Rongqizhen, Taipingzhen Regions,Guangdong Province
XIE Ye-cai, ZHUANG Wen-ming, HE Xiang, HUANG Xue-fei, LONG Gui, SHANG Jian-lin
The proportion of shallow overburden area by Quaternary sediments in regional geological survey projects of 1:50 000 Houjiexu, Xiaolanzhen, Rongqizhen, Taipingzhen sheets has risen to 71%. Basing on previous achievements on regional geological survey, and combing with integrated method of route geological survey,geophysical prospecting, remote sensing, geological drilling and detailed study of Quaternary sediments, the transgressive sequence and stratigraphic framework of the Pearl River delta have been established since Late Pleistocene 128 ka (MIS 5) in past three years. The susceptibility change law of sediment core provides evidences for stratigraphic correlation and sedimentary cycle division as well as basic data in Quaternary research of the Pearl River delta. The spatial extensions and activities of buried NE and NW trending main faults were found out which provided basic data for civil engineering construction, earthquake preparedness and disaster reduction. The SHRIMP dating technique is applied to determine U-Pb ages of zircons from monzogranites, the result suggests that Late Jurassic granitic magmatism formed in post-collisional extensional environment, Late Jurassic and Indosinian granitic magmatism coexisted in the study area.
2015 Vol. 2 (7): 1-7 [
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Achievements and Prospects of Four 1:50 000 Regional Geological Survey Projects in Southwest Bangor County, Tibet
LIU Zhen-yu, JIA Hai-ming, HUANG Wei-ping, WANG Chun-yang
As a part of the special geological survey project of Qinghai-Tibet, the four 1:50 000 regional geological and mineral resources survey subprojects in southwest Bangor county have achieved some achievements. (1) The Cambrian volcanic rocks cover the Nyainqentanglha Group in angular unconformity and consist of three rock units, and the Upper Cambrian Taduoxiong Formation which is a new rock unit have been established. (2) The Furongian Longjiao Formation is detached from the Lower Ordovician Zhakang Formation. (3) A suite of sedimentary melange with stable regional extension have been found in the Yunzhug ophiolite melange belt during geological mapping, and termed as Late Jurassic Suoer Formation. (4) The basic rock unites, composing with ultramafic rocks, gabbro, sheeted dike complex, pillow basalt and radiolarian chert, which comprise the Late Jurrasic ophiolite suite are recognized. (5) A series of metamorphic granites from the Nyainqentanglha Group form in Meso-neoproterozoic and provide new data for tectonic thermal events study during formation and breakup of the Rodinia continental which take place on the north margin of ancient India shield.
2015 Vol. 2 (7): 8-12 [
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Achievements and Prospects of Regional Geological Survey in the East Aiyongcuo Area, Tibet
SUN Xiao, BI Zhi-wei, LI Guang-dong, ZHANG Jian-zhen, LI Zhi-min
Based on the 1:50 000 regional geological survey standard and technical requirements, the east Aiyongcuo regional geological survey project is carried out. The formation age and stratigraphic sequence of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata are redefined through multiple stratigraphic division and correlation for the lithostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy and event stratigraphy study. The special lithologic layers are showed by informal mapping unit. The regional strata, rocks, structural characteristics and ore-forming geological conditions of the area are found out. The achievements and progress of regional geological survey in east Aiyongcuo area include the followings: Xueshan Formation (late Jurassic-early Cretaceous) is identified for the first time in the late Triassic Riganpeicuo Group; Permian multiple stratigraphic classification scheme of this area is set up; basic sequence, material composition of Riganpeicuo Group is reclassified, and two formations in Riganpeicuo Group are established; about 31 intrusive bodies, 8 submarine volcanic geological body and a plurality of intermediate-acidic veins are disintegrated in this area; the quality, age, sequence and spatial configuration relationship for faults and folds in the area are found, the tectonic framework and tectonic style in the area are established; 18 ore occurrences and 2 prospecting target area are found in this area.
2015 Vol. 2 (7): 13-18 [
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Main Progress and Achievements in Land Quality Geochemical #br# Assessment of Longyou, Zhejiang Province
CEN Jing, PAN Wei-feng, SONG Ming-yi
According to mission requirements, the demonstration project of “land quality geochemistry assessment on county-level and city-level of Zhejiang province” is carried out in Longyou county, Zhejiang Province. Based on the needs of summary and demonstration, the methods, techniques, application, and achievements of land quality geochemical assessment in Longyou county are emphatically introduced. In order to get more scientific and reasonable assessment result, the geochemical assessment of land quality in Longyou area is taken according to the indoor and outdoor verification, adjusted index of assessment, index weight and assessment unit, the land is divided into five levels. In order to make use of the assessment results more convenient, the geochemical classification and gradation of farmland quality are integrated with superposition method, which shows a consistent result of different assessment methods, and reflects the differences of the same gradation. The land and resource department re-programs construction land around Longyou county by making use of the achievements in land quality geochemical assessment. After adjustment, the concentrated high quality farmland has been protected, and the construction land demand has been ensured.
2015 Vol. 2 (7): 19-23 [
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Pleistocene Stratigraphic Division in Zhaluteqi Region, Inner Mongolia
DING Qiu-hong, WANG Jie, LI Xiao-hai, YAO Yu-lai, ZONG Wen-ming, GAO Xiao-yong, LI Wen-bo
The Pleistocene strata with stable regional extension in the southeast Inner Mongolia are divided by pollen assemblages and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. The eolian sediment of the middle Pleistocene with good columnar joint and OSL age from (40.4±1.9)ka to (110.0±7.5)ka, corresponding to the Wuerji Formation, is composed of yellow sandy loam, calcareous nodule and Artemisia-Ephedra-Pinus pollen assemblages. The lower Pleistocene with OSL age from (200.9±9.6)ka to (220.4±13.2)ka, corresponding to the Chifeng Loess, is composed of reddish brown sandy loam, sandy clay, calcareous nodule, gravel lens and Artemisia-Polygonum-Betula pollen assemblages. These provide basic data for Quaternary stratigraphic correlation and division in the southeast Inner Mongolia.
2015 Vol. 2 (7): 24-29 [
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Characteristics and Implications of the Quaternary Magnetostratigraphy in #br# Borehole ZKA4 from the Northern Flank of Yangtze River Delta
JIANG Ren, YU Jun-jie, LAO Jin-xiu, ZENG Jian-wei, PENG Bo
The broehole ZKA4 locates in Nantong area of the northern flank of Yangtze River Delta. Quaternary magnetostratigraphy studies show that the 302.7 m core taken from broehole ZKA4 has recorded Brunhes normal polarity chron, Matruyama reversed polarity chron and Gauss normal polarity chron. After systematic sampling, treating and measuring, the vertical distribution depth of the Lower Pleistocene, Middle Pleistocene, Upper Pleistocene and Holocene in broehole ZKA4 are determined by magnetostratigraphic study, AMS 14C dating and core observation. The Q/N, Qp1/Qp2, Qp2/Qp3 and Qp3/Qh boundary locates at 291.72m, 189.39m, 132.44m and 26.14m respectively. These provide a reliable chronostratigraphic framework for regional research on stratigraphic division and correlation, paleogeographic environment as well as coastline changes in Quaternary.
2015 Vol. 2 (7): 30-34 [
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Metallogenic Regularity and Prospecting Criteria of Granite Type Rare #br# Metal Deposits in Jiajika Area, Sichuan Province
QIN Yu-long, HAO Xue-feng, XU Yun-feng, WANG Xian-feng
Jiajika is an important granite type rare metal prospecting area in Balyanlkalla Block which is the junction belt between the eastern part of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and western margin of the Yangtze Plate. Jiajika pegmatite type rare metal deposit with Li-Be-Nb-Ta metallogenic series is the largest solid lithium deposit in China. Based on a comprehensive study of the metallogenic condition, dike type, mineral stage, occurrence, ore-grade variation, concentration regularity, genesis, and prospecting criteria of Jiajika pegmatite type rare metal deposit, the metallogenic regularity and regional prospecting criteria of Jiajika type lithium deposit are summarized. These provide guiding effect for ore prospecting in peripheral of Jiajika deposit and Jiajika area under similarity geological conditions.
2015 Vol. 2 (7): 35-39 [
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Age and Eruption Environment of Volcanic Rock from Woniusi#br# Formation in Shidian, Western Yunnan Province
HAO Jia-xu, ZOU Li-zhi, CHEN Gang, HUANG Yong
In previous studies on volcanic rock of Woniusi Formation in Shidian region, some researchers have proposed it has close relation with the marine volcanic activity as in Baoshan region, north Yunnan Province. However, the inexistence of sediment strata and characteristics of petrology, geochemistry and geology indicate that the eruption environment is significantly different between the two regions. It is showed that the Woniusi Formation form in continental eruption setting and associated with the continental flood magma in Shidian region. In addition, the age (264 Ma) of volcanic rock from Woniusi Formation and the contact relationship with upper and lower strata suggest the Woniusi Formation might be formed in Early Permian, and these provide new evidence for the formation age of Woniusi Formation.
2015 Vol. 2 (7): 40-44 [
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Sedimentary Environments and Provenance Analysis of Longli #br# Formation in Sansui Area, Guizhou Province
DENG Gui-biao, YANG Zhong-qin, TIAN Wen-ming, GU Zhen-zong, YANG Zhu
Based on geochemistry, sedimentary structure, trace element and rare earth element analyses for sandstone from Longli Formation in Sansui area of Guizhou Province, the provenance, mother rocks and tectonic background are summed up. It is inferred that the mother rock belongs to felsic and magnesian magma rocks which form in stable continental, partially form in volcanic arc and transition zone. It is proposed that the provenance might be derived from upper crust, the uplift basement belongs to stable craton, and the tectonic background is passive continental margin. Sedimentary structures and geochemistry data from Longli Formation reflectes a freshwater environment which correspond to the depression stage of rift basin extension.
2015 Vol. 2 (7): 45-52 [
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Re-Os Isotopic Dating of Pyrite from the Neoproterozoic Datangpo Formation#br# in Tongren, Guizhou and Its Geological Significance
WANG Dan, LIAO Zhen-wen, WANG Sheng-wei, JIANG Xiao-fang, LIN Fang-cheng
Eight pyrites from the manganese-bearing rock series of the First Member of Neoproterozoic Datangpo Formation are used for Re-Os isotopic dating at Xixibao orefield in Tongren area, Guizhou province. The analyses yield an isochronic age 459±16 Ma, significantly later than the interglacial depositional age of Datangpo Formation (670~635 Ma), which suggest that the Datangpo Formation was probably affected by the tectonic 〖JP〗thermal activity of Late Caledonian. The pyrites also show high Re, low Os abundance, high Re/Os and 187Os/188Os ratio. The initial 187Os/188Os value is 1.02±0.41, significantly higher than the eigenvalue of mantle magma, which indicate the ore-forming materials are mainly derived from the crustal source.
2015 Vol. 2 (7): 53-57 [
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Ore-forming Conditions and Prospecting Directions of the Gold-polymetallic#br# Deposits in the South Longhua County, Hebei Province
FAN Yu-peng, WANG Zi-yang, LIU He, XU Shan
In this paper, regional geological structures and geochemical anomalies in Longhua County of Hebei Province are introduced, the favorable ore-forming factors in regional geology are proposed, and the indicative function of regional geochemical anomalies for polymetallic prospecting are interpreted according to the source, enrichment and precipitation of ore-forming elements, and characteristics of the ore-transmitting and ore-depositing structures in the study area. By analyzing the metallogenic essential factors of typical deposits under similarity geological conditions in study area, the direction, mineral assemblage, deposit type, and criteria for gold-polymetallic prospecting are proposed.
2015 Vol. 2 (7): 58-65 [
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Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China
Geological Survey of China
National Geological Library of China
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Geological Society of China
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East China Geology
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