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2015 Vol. 2, No. 5
Published: 2015-05-20
Demonstration Application of Towered Bird Helicopter-borne Electromagnetic Technique
WANG Wei-ping, ZHOU Xi-Hua, FAN Zheng-Guo, JIN Long-Zhe, YU Chang-Chun, WU Cheng-ping
Towed bird helicopter-borne frequency domain electromagnetic and magnetic synthetic system (hereafter towed bird system) with new broadband technology, high digitized degree and flexible system is very suitable for mineral, hydrological, engineering, environmental exploration in complex terrain, but it′s hard to work in complicated mountainous regions, and we didn′t have practical experience. Basing on trial-produce in three survey regions, we acquired outstanding achievements in survey method and technique, data processing, data interpretation, basic geological research, mineral exploration, and underground coal fire exploration. It worked out the problem of feature of electrical property in coal fire area, and the key problem of searching conductive ore body directly with aero electromagnetic method. It remedied the weaknesses in searching polymetallic ore body with aero-magnetic method indirectly, and had brought very good prospecting effects.
2015 Vol. 2 (5): 1-7 [
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Two Sets of Source Rocks Are Found for Carboniferous-Permian Petroleum Survey in Yining Basin, Xinjiang
JIANG Ting, CHEN Gao-chao, SHI Ji-zhong, GUO Wang, XU Wei, ZHOU Jun-lin
For the purpose of petroleum resource surveying in new area and new formation, with the combined method of field survey and laboratory research, the contact relationship and sequence stratigraphic framework of Carboniferous-Permian strata were determined. Meanwhile, it was found that Yining Basin was characterized by “one rift and one chain” sedimentary framework in Carboniferous, which was east-west rift in general and east-west chain developed in northern area, however, it became a nearly east-west terrestrial rift basin with western opening direction in Permian. In addition, two sets of high quality source rocks were found in Akashake Formation of Carboniferous and Tiemulike Formation of Permian.
2015 Vol. 2 (5): 8-13 [
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On the Problem of Global Ordovician Lower Boundary “Golden Spike” and Tremadocian Subdivision and Correlation in China
WANG Xiao-feng, STOUGE Svend, MALETZ Jorg, WANG Chuan-shan, YAN Chun-bo
Correlative studies of the Cambrian and Ordovician global boundary stratotype section and point (GSSP)-western Newfoundland Green Point section with the former GSSP candidate for the Cambrian and Ordovician boundary, Xiaoyangqiao section in Dayangcha, Baishan (formerly Hunjiang), Jilin, China indicate that the conodont species
Iapetognathus fluctivagus
is not present in the specified boundary layer and point at Green Point section (i.e. Bed 23),and it is a disputed species both in distribution and taxonomy. The most of the conodont and graptolite specimens as well as carbon and oxygen isotopic data submitted in the original proposal, unfortunately, are not from the "Golden Spike" section. This is totally incompatible with the principles and requirement for selecting GSSP and necessary for reassessment. The Xiaoyangqiao Cambrian-Ordovician boundary section is easy accessibility and well-exposed along beautiful rivulet. The Cambrian-Ordovician boundary interval is comprised of unmetamorphic deep water black, grey and green shale intercalated with thin-bedded gray nodular limestone, bearing complete and well represented conodont and graptolite succession from uppermost Cambrian to lowest Ordovician. In 34 m interval, 5 conodont biozones can be recognized in ascending order: the Cambrostodus,
Codylodus proavus, C. intermedius, C. lindstromi
and C. angulatus and in turn three graptolite-bearing beds, referred to 2 graptolite biozones, the
Rhabdinopora parabola
biozone with
. “
” and the
Anisograptus matanensis
biozone from the upper C. intermedius to
C. angulatus
conodont biozones. There are also a plenty of trilobite coexisting with ostracoda fossils. Combining high-resolution carbon and oxygen isotope studies the present authors suggest that the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary would be better to be defined by the first appearance (FAD) of widespread conodont
C. intermedius,
instead of the FAD of the controversial and rare
Iapetognathus fluctivagus
as boundary biomarker for the base of the Ordovician System. This boundary proposed, however, is close-if not identical-to the level specified at the GSSP section and easily recognized and correlated anywhere in the world. The maximum carbon isotopic excursion recorded above the boundary layer and appearance of the earliest planktonic graptolites—
R. parabola
. “
”, can be make as an auxiliary signs for determination of the boundary.
2015 Vol. 2 (5): 14-26 [
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“One Belt and One Road” National Natural Gas Supply-Demand Characteristic and the Related Suggestions
ZHANG Wen-hao, ZHANG Li-qin, ZHOU Xin-gui, LIN Yan-hua
Energy cooperation is an important part of the “One Belt and One Road” strategy. As the largest energy consumer of the world, our country imports a large number of energy resources from all over the world, especially oil and gas resources. Because of the external dependency rising year by year, the safety of oil and gas becomes a concern. Strengthening energy cooperation with countries along the way through “One Belt and One Road” strategy can provide assurance for our energy security. Natural gas as a kind of clean and efficient energy plays an important role in mitigating the energy shortage and environmental pollution, and occupies an important position in the world′s energy consumption structure. On the basis of collecting and analyzing the production, consumption, import/export trade data of natural gas energy of major energy countries that belongs to “One Belt and One Road”, the article identified the supply-demand and trade characteristics of natural gas and gave some recommendations to better develop the natural gas industry under the cooperation framework of “One Belt and One Road”.
2015 Vol. 2 (5): 27-31 [
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Discovery of Chamatun Iron Deposit and Its Prospecting Significance
ZHAO Lei, FU Qing, MA Li, ZHU Jia-chuan, WEI Qiang, LIU Zhan-mei, ZHANG Zhi-ying , CAI Li-xuan, WANG Qi, LI Chao
Chamatun iron deposit,discovered by aeromagnetic anomaly screening, high-precision magnetic measurement, magnetic anomaly research and drilling engineering verification, is a medium to large scale concealed sedimentary metamorphic deposit under the Mesozoic volcanic sedimentary rocks. Basing on a detailed analysis of discovery processes and geological characteristics, we proposed the study area was an island-like uplift or a part of Mongolian platform in Proterozoic during the formation and evolution of eastern Hebei to western Liaoning aulacogen. These achievements would provide geological bases for searching sedimentary metamorphic iron ore in western Liaoning volcano-sedimentary basin. Furthermore, the screening methods of ore-induced aeromagnetic anomalies, the approaches and technologies in mineral exploration, and the prospecting direction were discussed. These could provide information and clues for searching concealed iron deposit in similar geological conditions.
2015 Vol. 2 (5): 32-37 [
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Discovery of Cambrian Carbonate Platform Margin Shoal in the Southeastern Margin of Upper Yangtze Platform and Its Geological Significance—Example from Shiqian-Cengong Area of Guizhou Province
HE Yong-zhong, CHEN Hou-guo, XIE Yuan, ZHAO Lei, ZHU Xun, YI Cheng-xing, AN Ya-yun
In the study area of Shiqian-Cengong, by using a set of methods including stratigraphic profile measuring, regional geological survey, and rock-mineral identification, we found the strata from late Qiandongian to Furongian of Cambrian were marked by a succession from oolite shoal carbonate rocks to algae carbonate rocks of platform margin. By means of stratigraphic division and correlation, the lithostratigraphic frameworks were established, the sedimentation paleogeographic patterns of platform, slope and basin were reproduced, and the evolution process of establishment, development and decline of carbonate platform started from late Qiandongian of Cambrian were studied. Through physical property analysis of carbonate rocks with a large number of intergranular pores, intercrystal pores and miarolitic cavities on the platform margin shoal, we found these carbonate rocks could be favorable oil and gas reservoir. These achievements would provide new information and clues for searching concealed oil and gas in platform margin shoal at Eastern Guizhou and even southern regions of China.
2015 Vol. 2 (5): 38-44 [
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Organic Matter Characteristics of Source Rocks in Upper Jurassic Bailongbinghe Formation of the Guangmingco Area in North Qiangtang Basin, Tibet
FU Hong-bin, MA De-sheng, WU Tao, ZENG Yu-ren, GUO Hai, FAN Hong-fu
The studied area locates in the Guangmingco area of north Qiangtang Basin. On the bases of Rock-Eval pyrolysis simulation experiment, kerogen identification, vitrinite reflection, ethnic component separation, and carbon isotope analysis of source rocks in outcrop samples of Jurassic Bailongbinghe Formation, the organic matter characteristics of source rocks were studied. The results indicated source rocks of Bailongbinghe Formation were dominated by carbonate and with high organic matter abundance, the organic carbon content obtained from 0.01% to 1.21%, averaging 0.39%. The content of sapropel in the kerogen ranged from 70% to 92%, averaging 80%, consistent with type Ⅱ
kerogen. The main peak of carbon isotope, the ratio of (nC
/ nC
) and Pr/nC
correlation diagram indicated that the organic matter came from lower aquatic organisms and the type of organic matter was well. The vitrinite reflection value was in the range from 1.409% to 2.423%, averaging 1.909%. The thermal evolution of organic matter is generally high, reaching high maturity-over mature stage.
2015 Vol. 2 (5): 45-51 [
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Introduction of Environmental Geological Mapping in China Coastal Zone
SUN Xiao-ming, ZHANG Kai-jun, YANG Qi-qing, DU Dong, FANG Cheng
On the bases of comprehensive analysis and systematic summary on the achievements of environmental geological survey about China coastal zone, the 1∶4 000 000 environmental geological map comprehensively reflects the basic characteristics of regional geological environment, the main geological problems and disasters, inshore hydrological conditions and human engineering-economic activity of China coastal zone. This paper stated the drawing boundary, main contents and characteristics of regional geological environment.
2015 Vol. 2 (5): 52-55 [
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The Contents Construction of Geophysical-Geochemical Technical Method Library of China Geological Survey Technology Information
SUN Yue,YANG Shao-ping,YUAN Gui-qin,XU Jian-yu,RUAN Jun, XIAO Xing-ping
Geophysical-geochemical technical method library is an integral part of China Geological Survey Technology Information. On the basis of comprehensive research, geophysical methods were summarized as gravity, magnetic, electrical, seismic, radiological and geothermal six classes, twenty-five kinds, geochemical methods were summarized as sediment, soil, rock, gas, water, biological and other seven classes, sixteen kinds, and each technology method was briefly introduced. After screened, 208 messages relating to geophysical-geochemical technical method, instruments and equipment, software and application examples were compiled and warehoused. On these bases, the contents of geophysical-geochemical technique method library were preliminarily enriched, and these provided a basic operation condition for the service platform of geophysical-geochemical method library
2015 Vol. 2 (5): 56-62 [
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Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China
Geological Survey of China
National Geological Library of China
China Journal Full Database
Geological Society of China
Shandong Land and Resources
East China Geology
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