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2022 Vol. 9, No. 3
Published: 2022-06-20

1 Analysis of shale gas accumulation conditions of the Niutitang Formation of Lower Cambrian in Sangzhi area, Hunan Province
ZHANG Chenglong, NIU Xue, JIN Xiaolin, NIU Zhaoxuan, LI Xufeng, HU Lisha
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.03.01
The marine facies shales of Niutitang Formation are developed in Sangzhi area, with relatively few stu-dies on the shale gas accumulation conditions of Lower Cambrian in Paleozoic in this area. On the basis of literature research and combining with field survey and experimental analysis, the authors in this paper have studies the geological factors and reservoir-forming conditions of shale reservoir in the Niutitang Formation of Lower Cambrian in Sangzhi area, in order to provide reference for the next shale gas exploration and development in this area. The results show that the sedimentary facies in Niutitang Formation shale are shelf facies and slope facies, with good burial depth condition and large thickness. The abundance of organic matter is above 2% in terms of organic geochemical characteristics, with kerogen types of type II1 and rare type I and organic matter maturity of 3.5%, which are the high-quality source rocks. The organic matter evolution and clay mineral diagenetic stage have a good corresponding relationship, and the diagenetic mineral transformation stage is basically the same as the organic matter oil and gas generation threshold, with the source rock in the stage of massive generation of dry gas and cracked gas. In terms of storage conditions, the porosity is 9% with primary pores, secondary pores, mineral pores, natural fractures, and structural fractures, which provide space for shale gas accumulation. The high content of brittle minerals makes fractures created easily. Overall, the shale of the Niutitang Formation is high-quality shale, and the accumulation conditions of shale gas are good, with great potential of exploration and development.
2022 Vol. 9 (3): 1-10 [Abstract] ( 102 ) RICH HTML PDF (8953 KB)  ( 101 )
11 Study of reservoir formation conditions and favorable zones selection of the Dawuba Formation in the Ziyun area of Guizhou Province
YUAN Kun, FANG Xinxin, WANG Ting, CHEN Rong, WANG Chao, LIN Tuo, LU Shufan, LUO Xiangjian
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.03.02
The southern part of Guizhou Province is the concentration of Upper Paleozoic Carboniferous shales in southern China, where has undergone complex tectonic evolution and petrographic paleogeographic changes. Therefore, the inhomogeneous shale system of the Dawuba Formation is developed. As a typical representative of Ziyun area in southern Guizhou Province, the development of shales in Dawuba Formation varies from region to region. In this paper, the authors studied distribution and reservoir formation conditions of the Dawuba Formation from perspectives of regional tectonic development, formation lithology combination, formation thickness and burial depth, organic geochemical characteristics, shale reservoir physical properties and gas-bearing properties through well CY1, well DY1, and the surrounding outcrops in Luogang Manchang, Sidazhai, and Getuhe area. The results show that Ziyun area was deposited in the slope-pelagic phase at the edge of Early Carboniferous, and the water body gradually becomes deeper from north to south. And the organic-rich shales are concentrated in the I and III section of Dawuba Formation with favorable static indicators of each section, while the drilling wells in this area show good gas content. Through comprehensive comparison and evaluation, two favorable shale gas zones of Zongdi and Shangyuan in Ziyun area were selected, providing next direction for shale gas exploration in this area.
2022 Vol. 9 (3): 11-12 [Abstract] ( 90 ) RICH HTML PDF (10545 KB)  ( 311 )
23 Analysis of mineral prospecting potential in the periphery of Chating copper-gold mining area in Xuancheng City of Anhui Province
HONG Dajun, SONG Shiming, ZHANG Xu, CHEN Kefu, LIU Hong
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.03.03
The Chating copper-gold deposit in Xuancheng City is the first discovered porphyry type copper-gold deposit in Southeastern Anhui Province. In recent years, some new achievements are got by a series of geophysical survey and verification works of geophysical anomalies. The copper polymetallic deposits in the area are closely related to magmatic activity. The geomagnetic anomalies are caused by intermediate-acid intrusive rocks, and gravity anomalies are caused by carbonate rocks. Besides, the low resistivity anomalies in CSAMT are caused by pyrite and chalcopyrite. The Chating copper-gold deposit are characterized by low magnetic, high gravity and low resistivity in CSAMT. The new gold-bearing cryptoexplosive breccia and lead-zinc ore bodies have been found in the deep prospecting in the periphery of Chating copper-gold mining area, based on the above comprehensive prospecting informations, which indicates the prospecting direction and provide further prospecting breakthrough idea in the periphery of Chating copper-gold mining area.
2022 Vol. 9 (3): 23-31 [Abstract] ( 126 ) RICH HTML PDF (8865 KB)  ( 133 )
32 Exploration progress and metallogenic prediction of rare metal deposits in Mufushan area
ZHOU Fangchun, CHEN Hu, LI Peng, HU Xiaofang, CHEN Qianran, LIU Qingqi
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.03.04
Pegmatites are densely distributed in the inner and outer contact zone of Mufushan batholith, with good metallogenic geological conditions and prospecting potential of rare metal deposits. In order to further study the occurrence characteristics, metallogenic regularity and prospecting potential of rare metals in Mufushan area and further guide the exploration work, the authors in this paper systematically summarizes the rare metal ore exploration achievements in Mufushan area. We divided Mufushan area in Hunan Province into five metallogenic prospective areas and evaluated their prospecting potential. Besides, the prospecting direction in this area is further discussed. Lithium, niobium, tantalum and beryllium ore resources in Mufushan area are mainly concentrated in the metallogenic prospect areas of Renli-Chuanziyuan and Shangdazhou-Nanjiangqiao on the southwestern edge of the Mufushan batholith. The predicted potential Ta2O5 resource is 40 000 t, with potential Nb2O5 resource of 49 000 t, potential Li2O resource of 320 000 t, and potential BeO resource of 48 000 t. This work can provide references for exploration and research of rare metal deposits.
2022 Vol. 9 (3): 32-39 [Abstract] ( 126 ) RICH HTML PDF (4511 KB)  ( 150 )
40 Geochronology, geochemistry and geological significance of the Wulan composite pluton in the southern Xing'an block
HAO Shuqing, JIA Shiying, RONG Xiuwei
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.03.05
There are some existing debates about the Late Paleozoic tectonic framework of the northern margin of the Xing'an-Mongolian orogenic belt, especially the final closing time of oceanic basin. Wulan composite Pluton in the southern Xing'an block provides a good medium to address this problem. In this paper, the Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages and geochemical characteristics of Wulan composite Pluton were studied to determine its formation epoch and petrogenesis, and to reveal the regional tectonic setting. Wulan composite Pluton is composed of fine grained monzogranite and porphyritic monzogranite, the former constitutes the main body of the rock mass, with the diagenetic age of (312±2) Ma, which was formed in early Late Carboniferous. Geochemical analyses indicates that both of the fine grained monzogranite and porphyritic monzogranite have the characteristics of medium total alkali content, rich in K and peraluminous, belonging to highly fractionated S-type granite of high-K calc-alkaline series. The total REE contents of main rock mass of fine grained monzogranite are relatively low, with obvious negative Eu anomalies, showing high differential evolution character. Both the fine grained monzogranite and porphyritic monzogranite are rich in large ion lithophylic elements (Rb, Th and K), and obviously depleted in Ba, Sr and Ti, with slightly depleted in Ta and Nb. These two types of rocks have characterastics of similar trace and rare earth elements distribution, indicating that they come from the same source region. The formation of the rock mass is related to the evolution of the ancient Asian ocean and was formed in the late orogenic extensional environment after the oceanic basin was closed.
2022 Vol. 9 (3): 40-51 [Abstract] ( 99 ) RICH HTML PDF (7627 KB)  ( 101 )
52 Brief discussion of tectonic environment of volcanic rocks in Late Paleoproterozoic of Shanxi Province
ZHANG Yusheng, SUN Zhanliang, LI Jianrong, WEI Rongzhu, MAO Yongdong, YANG Yuesheng, XING Qingqiang, ZHANG Cheng, LIU Weidong
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.03.06
In this paper, the authors studied the construct properties of volcanic rocks in the Late Paleoproterozoic period of Shanxi Province, which aims to provide references for the disagreements about boundary between Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic. The volcanic extrusive rocks of this period are unconformable on the crystalline basement with the character of active continental margin. Both of the Hangaoshan Group (Xiaolangling Formation) and the Xiyanghe Group (-Xionger Group) are extending to SEE direction, and the lava is absolute dominant, with occasional clastic rocks. Besides, the lava is mainly composed of fissures (beaded) and peaceful overflow eruptions, and the corresponding basic intrusive rock group was rising channel for the magma. The lithology is mainly andesite-basaltic andesite, with the lithology is mainly andesite and basaltic andesite, with a small amount of basalt and rhyolite. The rock phenocrysts are pyroxene and plagioclase, and occasionally composed of hornblende and biotite. The geochemistry of the rocks is rich in large ion lithophile elements and light rare earth elements, and low in high field strength elements, with w(Th)>w(Ta). The εNd(t) and εHf(t) values of the whole rock are negative, which are dominated by SH+HKCA series in the SiO2-K2O diagram and potassic volcanic rocks series. It is a continuation of the collision and cohere between the western and eastern continental blocks of the crystalline basement of the North China Craton in the Late and Middle Paleoproterozoic, which are the post-collision volcani arc magma.
2022 Vol. 9 (3): 52-66 [Abstract] ( 105 ) RICH HTML PDF (20219 KB)  ( 166 )
67 Sedimentary evolution of borehole PZK14 in western Tangshan area during Late Cenozoic
CHEN Hongqiang, YANG Rui, LI Qingzhe, ZHAO Huaping, DUAN Bingxin, LIU Beibei, ZHUAN Shaopeng, CHEN Chao
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.03.07
In order to find out the sedimentary evolution characteristics of loose deposits in the western plain of Tangshan since the Late Cenozoic, the authors in this paper studied the color, particle size, apparent resistivity logging and natural gamma logging of the borehole PZK14 in western Tangshan and divided the sedimentary facies with the calculation of deposition rate of each period , based on the 1∶50,000 regional geological survey in Yahongqiao area. The results show that lacustrine facies, delta facies and fluvial facies are mainly developed in this area during the Late Cenozoic. The delta facies was developed at the beginning of the Early Pleistocene, while the delta facies was transformed into fluvial facies with the retrogradation of alluvial fan in the ancient Luanhe River when the climate began to become warming. Three lake-delta sedimentary cycles developed during middle to late Early Pleistocene. A lake-delta sedimentary cycle developed in the Middle Pleistocene. At the beginning of Late Pleistocene, a thick lacustrine layer was deposited. As the climate became cold, the transgression along the coast of Bohai Bay ended and the lacustrine basin began to shrink and transformed into fluvial facies. The Holocene was dominated by interfluvial depression. According to the sedimentation rate-age curve, tectonic control of the sedimentation in this area has been weak since the Quaternary, and the climate is the main factor affecting the development of sedimentary facies. The sedimentation rate of the Quaternary was relatively fast, and the Olduvai polarity subchron (1.95~1.77 Ma) had the highest sedimentation rate of 194.0 m/Ma. The deposition rate of 2.52~1.95 Ma is the smallest, which is about 111.2 m/Ma. This achievement is of great significance to the restoration of paleogeographic evolution and the geological exploration of hydraulic environment in this region.
2022 Vol. 9 (3): 67-75 [Abstract] ( 109 ) RICH HTML PDF (6625 KB)  ( 146 )
76 Zircon U-Pb age and geochemical characteristics of the volcanic rocks in the Dianzhong Formation of the Geda area in the middle of the Gangdise
ZHOU Peng, RONG Feng, ZHOU Lianhe, LIU Gongxi, FAN Yuan, Wan Zhongyan, NIMA Luozhuo
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.03.08
The Linzizong Group volcanic rocks are widespread in the southern part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the geological information of the Neo-Tethys subduction and the collision of Indian-Asian plate was recorded in those volcanic rocks. The LA-ICP-MS U-Pb isotope dating of zircon and geochemical characteristics of whole rocks were studied to investigate the formation age, magma source and tectonic environment in the Dianzhong Formation of the Geda area in middle of the Gangdise. The ages of LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of zircon from the volcanic rocks of Dianzhong Formation is (61.6±1.0) Ma. These volcanic rocks are charactered by rich LILE and LREE, and poor HFSE, with typical island arc characteristic. These volcanic rocks were mainly derived from the partial melting of crustal material, which were the formed in an island arc environment during the northward subduction of the Neo-Tethys ocean.
2022 Vol. 9 (3): 76-86 [Abstract] ( 118 ) RICH HTML PDF (8651 KB)  ( 78 )
87 Features and geological significance of gravity-magnetic-electric from the middle part of Lujiang—Zongyang basin in Anhui Province
ZHU Jiangbo, WANG Qinian, CUI Xianwen
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.03.09
Lujiang-Zongyang basin is an importatant ore concentration area in middle-lower reaches of Yang-tze, and the characteristics of volcanic basement were unclear, which had restricted the mineral exploration. Based on the reprocessing and understanding of 1∶50 000 high precision gravity-magnetic data and magnetotelluric measurement data in the research area, the researchers in this paper discussed the characteristics and geolo-gical significance of the geophysical field. The results show that the Lujiang-Zongyang volcanic basin is located in the saddle of the Paleozoic fold belt with NE trending, and the thickness of volcanic strata is related to the distribution of local gravity anomaly values. The hidden intrusive rock is under the volcanic strata, which is thick-bedded, with depth of bottom surface of 3~4 km. The Huangtun-Zongyang fault and the Luohe fault are the main tunnel for hypomagma. The Triassic-Carboniferous strata was intruded, and the Silurian-Devonian strata was developed under the hidden intrusive rock. This research provides important clues for the fundamental geology research and ore prospecting prediction in Lujiang-Zongyang volcanic basin.
2022 Vol. 9 (3): 87-95 [Abstract] ( 96 ) RICH HTML PDF (5138 KB)  ( 152 )
96 Application of high resolution remote sensing technology in geological disaster investigation and disaster law analysis: A case study of Panxi Miyi area
TANG Yao, MA Song, WANG Lijuan, ZHU Yunbo
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.03.10
Panxi area, with high mountains, deep valleys and strong topographic cutting, has always been a serious disaster area and prone area of geological disasters. In order to find out the background of geological disasters, the distribution and development law of geological disasters, and the possible hidden dangers of geological disasters, and support the on-site verification and engineering prevention of disasters, the researchers in this paper used 2019 high-resolution remote sensing technology (hereinafter referred to as high-resolution remote sensing technology) to carry out the remote sensing survey and on-site verification of geological disasters in Miyi area of Panxi in Sichuan Province. A total of 106 hidden points of geological disasters with obvious threat objects were determined, dominating by collapse landslide disaster and following by debris flow disaster. The analysis of the disaster law of hidden danger points is carried out, combining with the survey results. The results show that the geological disasters are mainly developed along the Anning River and its tributaries, and they are distributed in bands along provincial highway 214, Mipu Road, Manan road and Ertan Reservoir area. 51 geological disasters are distributed within 500 m on both sides of the fault, accounting for 35.8% of the total number of hidden danger points investigated by remote sensing. 104 disasters occurred from May to September in 2019, accounting for 98.11% of the total number of geological disasters in the whole year. The development degree of geological disasters in the northwestern and central northern region is relatively low. The application results show that the application of remote sensing technology is beneficial for the ascertaining distribution and law of geological disasters, and is of great significance for the disaster prevention and reductions at the grass-roots level, disaster damage reduction, and improvement of disaster technology and disaster prevention.
2022 Vol. 9 (3): 96-103 [Abstract] ( 100 ) RICH HTML PDF (5075 KB)  ( 319 )
104 Fission track technology and its geological applications
YANG Li, YUAN Wanming, HONG Shujiong, FENG Zirui
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.03.11
The fission track technology has been applied to many geological applications with advantages of less sample consumption, lower closure temperature and wider dating range. For example, fully or partially annealed samples can effectively record the cooling-exhumation history and constrain the onset of thrust fault activity. The relationship between the weathering and denudation history of the overlying rocks and the preservation of the deposit can be used to quantify the amount of denudation and uplift in the deposit and to predict the mineralization. The fission track closure temperature of zircon is corresponding to the temperature interval of gas production, which can also be applied to oil and gas exploration studies. Recently, the combination of elemental content analysis with fission track techniques was also allowed for provenance analysis, and the implementation of LA-ICP-MS technology has brought the dawning for low U content mineral track measurements. The authors in this paper briefly summarize the results of fission annealing studies of apatite and zircon and the possible implications for data interpretation. The apatite annealing is affected by temperature, chemical composition, crystallographic anisotropy, and Dpar value, while zircon track thermal stability is reduced mainly due to radiation damage effects. Laboratory annealing characterization provides an important theoretical reference for understanding the complex chemical dynamics of fission track annealing, but actual data interpretation must be combined with geological facts to obtain a clearer temporal framework for studying the evolution of geothermal events. The typical case studies of track dating on mineral deposits, mountain uplift denudation and basin thermal history were briefly analyzed in this paper, which would provide guidelines for relevant application studies of fission track.
2022 Vol. 9 (3): 104-112 [Abstract] ( 94 ) RICH HTML PDF (2632 KB)  ( 316 )
113 Application of airborne electromagnetic method in hydrogeological survey
WANG Weiping, WU Chengping, ZHANG Yongjun, LIANG Shengjun, MA Xunbiao
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2022.03.12
In order to provide interpretations with various methods, multi-depth levels and multiple parameters and improve the application effect of airborne electromagnetic method in hydrogeological survey, the authors in this paper established the qualitative or quantitative methods, including studying the transgression level through airborne electromagnetic, water quality mapping and superficial fresh-water exploration, based on the data of Caobeidian area in Hebei, Ding Tomb - Ming Tombs Reservoir in Beijing, Baoqing area in Heilongjiang, Qiaoweila area in Australia and Huanghe River estuary area in Shandong Province. It is proved that airborne electromagnetic method can be used to study the underground water at different depths, the spatial distribution characteristic of transgression and its levels, and can also be used to calculate the degree of underground water mineralization quickly. Especially, the airborne electromagnetic method can provide multi-depth surfaces of transgression and their horizontal boundaries, the distributions of aquifer and aquifuge, and the distributions of water with different qualities, which has shown obvious hydrogeological exploration effect in several study areas.
2022 Vol. 9 (3): 113-121 [Abstract] ( 102 ) RICH HTML PDF (4553 KB)  ( 210 )
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