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2015 Vol. 2, No. 2
Published: 2015-02-01

Orignal Article
       Orignal Article
1 New Understanding in the Middle and West Part of Bangong Lake-Nujiang River Metallogenic Belt and Its lmplication for Prospecting
GENG Quan-ru, MAO Xiao-chang, ZHANG Zhang, PENG Zhi-min, GUAN Jun-lei
The middle and west part of the Bangong Lake-Nujiang River metallogenic belt is divided in 4 subzones including Tanggula, southern Qiangtang, Bangong Lake-Nujiang River suture and Aanglonggangri-Bangor subzones, which contains 8 major mineralization prospects. The major achievements from recent years’ geological survey on this belt are the understanding of arc-related metallogenesis and ore prospecting progress based on this understanding. Although the Zhapu-Duobuza magmatic arc in the southern margin of the Qiangtang subzone is not a widespread and continuous magmatic belt, significant exploration progress has been made in the Duobuza-Qingcaoshan and Caima-Fuye prospects. A series of mineral deposits and occurrences have been spotted after identifying the Duolong super-large copper deposit, such as Qingcaoshan, Longrong, Bagong and Fuye. In these 4 prospects of the Aanglonggangri-Bangor magmatic arc, besides the identified Gaerqiong and Galale large gold and copper deposits, more mineral deposits and occurrences have been found in Yazhuo, Xiongmei, Shesuo, Kuga, Changgei, etc. The middle and west part of the Bangong Lake-Nujiang River metallogenic belt has shown a great prospecting potential, but there are relevant major geological problems to be solved.
2015 Vol. 2 (2): 1-11 [Abstract] ( 361 ) RICH HTML PDF (23219 KB)  ( 308 )
12 Major Discovery on the Ocean Islands Constitutive Model and Prospecting in Gêrzê County of the Bangong Lake-Nujiang River Suture Zone:according to 1∶50000 Gêrzê County(I45E021005) and other five Regional Geological maps in Tibet
PENG Tou-ping, YANG Xiu-ming, CHU Hui-li, LIN Guang-long
Gêrzê County is located in the west part of the Bangong Lake metallogenic belt. The regional geological survey of six 1∶50,000 scale sheets in Gêrzê County belong to the geological and mineral resources survey planning project of the Bangong Lake metallogenic belt. During this survey, the strata were divided into 8 formations and 16 members; and the rock-stratigraphy was divided into 7 patterns, including sedimentary area of residual sea basin, ophiolite mélange belt, tectonic mélange belt, ocean island-seamount volcanic rock belt, sedimentary area of continental margin marine basin, rift basin volcanic rock belt, and sedimentary area of early residual sea basin. The Zhonggang ocean island was disassembled, during which a “two-layer and three-layer” ocean island combination was discovered, ophiolite mélange was re-identified, and the Shelama copper-gold polymetallic deposit and the Dongcuobei nickel deposit were discovered.
2015 Vol. 2 (2): 12-23 [Abstract] ( 313 ) RICH HTML PDF (21794 KB)  ( 289 )
24 Research Achievements and Prospect on the Luoping Biota:according to 1∶50000 Regional Geological Survey and achievement of Specific Study for Luoping, Guishan, Datong, Pengzha, Yunnan
ZHANG Qi-yue, HU Shi-xue, WEN Wen, ZHOU Chang-yong, XIE Tao, HUANG Jin-yuan
The Luoping Biota was discovered by the Chengdu Centre of China Geological Survey during geological mapping in 2007 at Luoping County, Yunnan Province, SW China. The intervals containing the fossils belong to the Second Member of the Guanning Formation, Middle Triassic. The Luoping Biota is a Triassic Lagersttten including both vertebrates and invertebrates.The vertebrates comprise marine reptiles and fish fossils. The invertebrates are mainly consist of arthropods, and associated with bivalves, gastropods, ammonites, echinoderms, lingulid brachiopods, conodonts, foraminifers, and plants. A conodont-based dating indicates that this biota lies within the conodont(Nicoraella kockeli)zone, and belongs to the Pelsonian, Substage of the Anisian Stage, Middle Triassic. The Luoping Biota is preserved within a restricted intra-platform basin. The exceptional preservation of fossils probably resulted from anoxic condition of bottom water and microbial sealing. The Luoping Biota is a window showing the recovery of Triassic marine ecosystem, as well as one of the best localities for Triassic fishes and arthropods fossils. The Luoping Biota provides new information for studying the recovery and evolution of the marine ecosystem after end Permian mass extinction.
2015 Vol. 2 (2): 24-32 [Abstract] ( 352 ) RICH HTML PDF (21142 KB)  ( 322 )
33 Discovery of the Jinningian Orogenic Belt on the Northern Margin of Yangtze Craton in Mountain Dahong
HU Zheng-xiang, MAO Xin-wu, TIAN Wang-xue, LI Xiong-wei
Researchers still have different understandings on the geotectonic evolution of Mountain Dahong in southern Suizhou. Some progress has been made in the regional geological survey of the area recently, i.e., the Yuan’an-Jingshan block, the Mountain Dahong subduction-accretionary complex, and the Sanligang magmatic arc were identified. In the Mountain Dahong subduction-accretionary complex, MOR-type diabase and oceanic island basalt yield 820 Ma and 817 Ma, respectively. And in the Sanligang magmatic arc, arc dacite and tonalite yield 841 Ma and 876.9 Ma, respectively. These data confirmed the existence of the Jinningian orogenic belt on the northern margin of Yangtze Craton in Hubei Province for the first time.
2015 Vol. 2 (2): 33-39 [Abstract] ( 332 ) RICH HTML PDF  (0 KB)  ( 233 )
40 New Progress of the Southern Altyn Tagh Geological Mapping and Guide the Prospecting Support:according to 1∶50000 Mobeier and other five Regional Geological maps in Gansu Province
YU Jun-peng, WU Yi-bu, LIANG Min-hong, XIAO Pei-xi, DOU Xiao-yu
In the regional geological survey of six 1∶50,000 sheets of Mobaer, etc., Gansu province, geological characteristics of the regional strata, rocks, structures and metallogenic geological setting were identified; the stratigraphy framework and magmatic evolution sequence were established; and the basic tectonic framework and evolution was summarized. In addition, 24 mineral deposits (occurrences) were discovered, such as the Yushishan large-size Nb-Ta rare metal deposit. Accordingly, the researched area was divided into 4 ore-forming prospects, which provided significant basic geological data for further ore prospecting.
2015 Vol. 2 (2): 40-47 [Abstract] ( 424 ) RICH HTML PDF (21533 KB)  ( 300 )
48 New Understanding on the Time and Space Framework of Strata-Rock-Structure and the Metallogenic Geological Background of Metallogenic Belt in Western Kunlun-Arkin
XIAO Pei-xi, GAO Xiao-feng, KANG Lei, XIE Cong-rui, XI Ren-gang, DONG Zeng-chan, GUO Lei, YANG Zai-chao
The West Kunlun-Altyn region features extremely bad natural environment and particularly poor transportation. In recent years, however, some breakthroughs have made in the geological explorations of the region, but its metallogenic geological setting investigation was obviously lagging. In order to improve the research level of metallogenic geological setting of the West Kunlun-Altyn metallogenic belt, the China Geological Survey deployed some regional geological survey projects and comprehensive research projects. These projects have got lots of achievements and progress: the spatio-temporal framework of strata, intrusive rocks and structures in the metallogenic belt has been established; significant ore-bearing geological bodies and ore-controlling structures have been surveyed; and the effects of important tectonic events on the mineralization have been studied.
2015 Vol. 2 (2): 48-55 [Abstract] ( 426 ) RICH HTML PDF (17498 KB)  ( 401 )
56 Discovery of the Shallow Gas Source Layer and Late Pleistocene Paleosol in Qidong Area, Southeastern of Jiangsu Province:according to 1∶50000 Yudong Town and other six Rigional Geological maps in Jiangsu Province
FENG Wen-li,JI Wen-ting,FENG Jin-shun,ZHANG Ping,GUO Sheng-qiao,CHEN Yu,ZHAO Zeng-yu
The field work of the 1∶50,000 regional geological survey on Qidong area, Southeastern Jiangsu has been accepted. Based on the new data,we found that there are brown, celadon, gray-black “hard clay bands” between 46-59 m below the surface in the incised valley area, with thickness ranging from 2 m to 10 m. In the top of the “hard clay bands” in some drilling cores is paleosol which has root-mark structure, calcareous concretions and other exposed soil-forming features; and in the lower part is a grayish black silty clay layer rich in organic and plant debris. The discovery of the paleosol proved that the area is not fully incised valley region in LGM, which updates the understanding on the Late Pleistocene sedimentary strata of the survey area. The silty clay layer rich in organic and plant debris, with thickness of 0.5-2 m,provided gas source to the shallow gas of the study area.
2015 Vol. 2 (2): 56-60 [Abstract] ( 321 ) RICH HTML PDF (11963 KB)  ( 260 )
61 The Sporo Pollen Assemblage from Postglacial Period in the Paleo-incised Valley of the Yangtze River Delta and Its Palaeoclimate Significance
YU Jun-jie, JIANG Ren, LAO Jin-xiu, ZHANG Zong-yan, ZENG Jian-wei, PENG Bo, ZHAO Ling, YANG Zhu-liang
According to the postglacial sporo-pollen distribution from the typical borehole CSJA6 in the paleo-incised valley of the Yangtze River Delta, combining with the forams analysis and AMS 14C dating of 6 samples, 3 sporo-pollen assemblages with time calibration from below were established: I. Quercus-Lipuidambar-Artemisia-Polypodiacea assemblage, belonging to the early Holocene; II. Quercus-Castanopsis-Cyperaceae-Pteris assemblage, belonging to the early-middle Holocene; III. Quercus-Ulmus-Artemisia-Polypodiacea assemblage, belonging to the middle-late Holocene. These three sporo pollen assemblages reflect the paleoclimate evolution process as cold and dry-hot and wet-warm and dry, which is consistent with the climate environment of China. This research is basically identical with the results of previous studies in this region.
2015 Vol. 2 (2): 61-68 [Abstract] ( 309 ) RICH HTML PDF (15503 KB)  ( 258 )
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22 Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China
22 Geological Survey of China
22 National Geological Library of China
22 China Journal Full Database
22 Geological Society of China
22 Shandong Land and Resources
22 East China Geology
22 Chinese Library Classification
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