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2020 Vol. 7, No. 5
Published: 2020-10-20

1 LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of the intermediate-acid intrusion in the periphery of Jiajika deposits in Western Sichuan Province
LI Mingze, QIN Yulong, ZHAO Chun, ZHAN Hanyu, ZHOU Xiong, SUN Guangyin
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2020.05.01
The Jianbacun intermediate-acid intrusion was newly discovered in the peripheral area of Jiajika deposits. The authors have conducted the research of LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry to discuss its forming age, tectonic setting and mineralization condition. The results show that the zircon crystalizing age is (211.8±1.0) Ma, and the rock belongs to calc-alkaline-metamluminous rock series, with properties of I-type granitoid, which may originate from partial melting of materials from crust and mantle. The geochemical characteristics indicate that the rock formed in post-collision setting, corresponding to the widespread regional magmatism in Western Sichuan Province during the Late Triassic. The tectonic setting property and magmatism of Jianbacun quartz diorite indicate that this area may be inadequate for the mineralization related to pegmatite mineral deposits.
2020 Vol. 7 (5): 1-9 [Abstract] ( 300 ) RICH HTML PDF (6377 KB)  ( 198 )
10 Hydrochemical and isotopic characteristics of Chazi geothermal field in Shigatse in Tibet
LUO Shaoqiang, XU Lin, TANG Hua, XIAO Jin, HU Lin
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2020.05.02
Chazi geothermal field is located in Southwestern Tibetan Plateau. The geothermal potential has been ascertained by field survey and geothermal drilling. The hydrogeochemical characteristics and isotopic composition of this geothermal field show that the underground water belongs to HCO3-Na. The difference of ion concentration between hot water and cold water shows that they have different material sources and certain hydraulic relations. The isotope analysis of δD and δ18O determines that the major source of the geothermal water in this area is meteoric water and water melt from the mountains snow and ice with the height above 5 652 m. The geothermal water was the result of the mixture of deep infiltrated meteoric water and deep-source fluid when they move along the fracture zone. The fracture zone is the main channel of hot spring and the reservoir of geothermal fluid. The migration retention time of the geothermal water in this geothermal field was at least 41 years. According to the calculated temperature of SiO2 geothermometer, the geothermal temperature of the underground heat reservoir is about 148.18~153.49 ℃, and natural heat discharge is 2 264.33×1012 J/a.
2020 Vol. 7 (5): 10-15 [Abstract] ( 332 ) RICH HTML PDF (2776 KB)  ( 415 )
16 Study on petroleum geological conditions in Dazhuom area of Southern Qiangtang Basin of Tibet
XU Lin, LUO Shaoqiang, TANG Hua, HU Lin, XIAO Jin, SUN Rongyan
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2020.05.03
Previous researchers in Dazhuoma area of Southern Qiangtang Basin have found some sporadic oil and gas on the surface and collected a small amount of source rocks for analysis, but the exploration degree was generally low and they have not carried out systematic analysis of the generation, storage and cap of oil and gas. Based on the previous data, the authors in this paper have studied the characteristics of the source rocks, reservoir rocks and cap rocks in Dazhuoma area of Southern Qiangtang Basin by means of field petroleum geological survey, sample collection, indoor analysis and comparative research. The results suggest that the mudstone and shale of Adula Formation in the study area are considered as good source rocks, and the mudstone and silty mudstone of Sewa Formation are poor-medium source rocks, while Buqu Formation, Shari Formation and Suowa Formation are poor source rocks. The main reservoir rocks are the sandstone of Adula Formation and the dolomite of Buqu Formation. The cap rocks are argillaceous rocks, limestone and gypsum, and are mainly Ⅰ and Ⅱ cap rocks. Furthermore, the discovery of oil exposure shows that this basin has underwent the process of oil and gas generation, migration, gathering and losing, which builds the material foundation of oil and gas generation and the petroleum geological conditions of hydrocarbon accumulation. It is suggested that more drilling should be arranged in Darzhuoma anticline with good oil and gas storage conditions, and further deep research should be carried out to achieve oil and gas breakthrough in this area.
2020 Vol. 7 (5): 16-24 [Abstract] ( 268 ) RICH HTML PDF (7101 KB)  ( 80 )
25 Application of sandbody description of fluvial facies in one gas field of Xihu Sag
ZHANG Xinan, CHENG Chao, JU Hao, HUANG Qizhang
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2020.05.04
Due to the few drilling data of one gas field in Xihu Sag, the traditional methods of fluvial reservoir description by multi well data in onshore oil field are not suitable for the offshore oil and gas field. The previais cognition is too macroscopic about the distributary channel deposit of the shallow delta and the horizontally continuous distribution of reservoirs it could not guide the development and production of gas field. Based on the well data, the authors made full use of the offshore high-resolution 3D seismic data with characters of high-precision identification of fluvial reservoir and clear delineation of single channel boundary to carry out seismic sedimentology research and fine interpretation of the single channel. Four stages of single channel sandbody were identified in the target layer, and the sedimentary evolution pattern of a gradual migration to the east on the transverse and overlapping on the longitudinal was shown. The geological models have been improved and the contradiction between dynamic geological reserves and geological reserves of production wells has been solved by this research, which can be used to effectively direct the field development and production. The seismic sedimentology method is an effective method to describe fluvial sandstones in the offshore oil and gas field with less well data.
2020 Vol. 7 (5): 25-32 [Abstract] ( 255 ) RICH HTML PDF (12562 KB)  ( 87 )
33 Geological characteristics and prospecting predictions of No.50 kimberlite pipe in Wafangdian diamond deposit of Liaoning Province
LIU Liguang, WU Datian
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2020.05.05
Taking No.50 kimberlite pipe of Wafangdian diamond deposit in Liaoning Province as an example, the authors systematically analyzed its geological characteristics. Based on the petrogeochemical analysis of porphyry phlogopite kimberlite, breccia porphyry kimberlite with surrounding rocks and kimberlite tuff breccia, it is found that there are less ultrabasic components in carbonated kimberlite tuff breccia and more ultrabasic components in kimberlite tuff breccia mixed with steatitization, serpentinization and carbonation. The content of Cr, Ni and Ti is relatively lower in kimberlite tuff breccia, slightly higher in breccia porphyrg phlogopite kimberlite with surrounding rocks and the highest in porphyry phlogopite kimberlite and porphyry kimberlite. This deposit is mainly composed of breccia porphyry kimberlite with surrounding rocks and porphyry phlogopite kimberlite, followed by kimberlite tuff breccia, breccia porphyry phlogopite kimberlite with surrounding rocks and kimberlite breccia. Chromite bearing pyrope, chromite and moissanite are associated minerals of the diamond deposit. The kimberlite ore-bearing grade is high in the western part and low in the eastern part in the horizontal direction, while the kimberlite ore-bearing grade changes little in the vertical direction. Through the three-dimensional modeling, it is inferred that instead of the root phase, No.50 kimberlite pipe is the fault dislocation caused by the EW nappe structural force with the No.50-1 kimberlite body at the depth of 600 m in the eastern pipe.
2020 Vol. 7 (5): 33-41 [Abstract] ( 317 ) RICH HTML PDF (4281 KB)  ( 186 )
42 Study and geological implication of detrital zircons in Shuibei Formation of Early Jurassic in Zhangshudun of northeastern Jiangxi Province
ZHU Qingbo, JIN Guodong, GAO Tianshan
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2020.05.06
The Early Jurassic basin in Zhangshudun of northeastern Jiangxi Province is located in the southeastern part of Jiangnan orogeny, and revealing the basin depositional source is of great importance for understanding and discussing the orogenic events and ancient geography during Early Mesozoic. The research of petrography, detrital zircons U-Pb geochronology, Lu-Hf isotope geochemistry of Early Jurassic clastic rocks was conducted in this paper. The results show that the Early Jurassic Shuibei Formation includes molasse-like deposits and fluviatile-lacustrine facies, and the detrital zircons U-Pb ages are within the wide scope of 2 431~263 Ma, with no existence of synsedimentary or pensynsedimentary detrital zircons. The detrital zircons display a very obvious peak age in Early Paleozoic of 420~380 Ma, with εHf(t) values between -10.7 and -3 and TDMC values between 2.08 and 1.58 Ga. The weak peak ages of 370~355 Ma and 858~663 Ma are displayed in Late Paleozoic and Neoproterozoic,respectively, with εHf(t) values of -18.8 to -6.7 and TDMC values of 2.08 to 1.58 Ga. The detrital zircons also contain a few Early Mesozoic (263 Ma) and Paleo-Meso proterozoic (2 431~1 224 Ma) ages. The detrital zircons ages and Lu-Hf isotope are similar with geological entities in northwestern Wuyi area of Cathaysia Block, while they are obviously different from the ages of the geological body in southeastern Yangtze region. The detrital materials are mainly from Early Cambrian basement and Paleozoic geological body northwestern Wuyi area. While little detrital rocks may come from northwestern Zhejiang with sedimentary characters of passive continental margin. Combined with the comprehensive regional research results of Early Mesozoic basin, the authors conclude that the southeastern Jingdezhen-Huangshan of eastern Jiangnan orogenic belt was not uplifting with erosion in Early and Middle Jurassic, and the Mesozoic structural-magmatic activities in the inland of South China were the tectonic response to the dive and influx of multiplates. The uplift in the southezstern part of South China caused by the subduction of the paleo-pacific plate to the East Asian continent from the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic can provide provenance for the inland basin, and the tectonic constitution at the turn of the Early-Middle Jurassic has been transformed into the subduction of the paleo-pacific plate.
2020 Vol. 7 (5): 42-53 [Abstract] ( 234 ) RICH HTML PDF (15183 KB)  ( 144 )
54 Magmatic activity and its geological significance in Early Jurassic in Mangui area of Inner Mongolia
LI Zhonghui, LI Yang, LI Ruijie, LI Kai
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2020.05.07
By investigating the U-Pb zircon isotope geochronology and petrogochemistry of the major magmatic rocks in Mangui area, the authors in this paper discussed the forming era, tectonic background and geological significance. A large amount of intrusive rocks and a small amount of medium-acid volcanic rocks in Early Jurassic were found in this area. U-Pb dating by LA-ICP-MS method shows that the ages are from (199±1)Ma to (184±1)Ma and the rock types can be divided into fine-medium-grained quartz diorite, medium-grained granodiorite, fine-medium-grained monzogranite, medium-fine-grained macrophenocryst monzogranite, rhyolite, dacite and andesite, which didn’t ouur in Neoprotezoic-Paleozoic period as previous researchers thought, revealing the tectonic and magmatic activities during the Early Mesozoic period. The geochemical results show that the rocks are Ⅰ-type magmatic rocks of subluminous-peraluminous high-K calc-alkaline series. The fractionation between light and heavy rare-erath elements((La/Yb)N= 3.42~32.96) and the Eu depletion degree is not complied with the evaluation from basic to acidic. The large ion lithophile element Ba is relatively rich and Rb, Sr are relatively delicient. The high field strength elements Th and U are relatively rich and Nb, Ti, Y are relatively deficient. The magma origin and tectonic setting show that quartz diorite and medium-fine-grained macrophenocryst monzogranite come from crust-mantle mixed magma, while the medium-acid volcanic rocks, granodiorite and fine-medium-grained monzogranite are from the partial melting of crustal materials, whose formation is connected with the evolution of Mongol-Okhotsk Suture Zone. The geology and geochemistry of the Early Mesozoic magmatic rocks indicate that the middle part of Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean might begin subduction at the end of the middle Triassic and close the Early Jurassic. The peak collision might take place at the Early Jurassic, not in the Late Triassic as previous thought. The Mohe over-thrust nappe system might form in the remote effect of southward extrusion during the closing process of the eastem part of Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean. The middle and eastern Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean closing age is of great importance to reveal the basin-range tectonic formation during the Middle Jurassic to the Late Cretaceous in Northeast China.
2020 Vol. 7 (5): 54-65 [Abstract] ( 270 ) RICH HTML PDF (16174 KB)  ( 229 )
66 Geochemical characteristics and geological implication of Zijinshan alkaline rocks in Lin County in the west of North China Craton
GUO Xiyun
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2020.05.08
The Zijinshan rocks in Lvliang area of Shanxi Province, are one of the famous alkaline plutons in China. The petrography and petrogeochemistry of the main rocks of the rock mass were studied to explore the material source and geological significance of Zijinshan alkaline rock mass. The results show that Zijinshan rocks of all stages show characters of low silicon, rich alkali and high potassium, which indicates zijinshan rocks belong to potassium alkaline rocks. These rocks demonstrate a high degree of fractionation and are characterized by the richness of LREE and the poorness of HREE, without obvious Eu anomaly. The trace element pattern exhibits the enrichment of large ion lithophile elements, such as Rb, Ba, K and Sr, and relative depletion of high field strength elements, such as Th, Nb, Ta, La, Ce, Nd, P and Ti. The magma of Zijinshan rocks comes from a deeper source and is closely related to the enriched mantle. The mechanism of magma evolution is mainly partial melting and it may be inter-contamination of continental crust materials. Combined with the characteristics of alkaline and partial alkaline rocks of same age in many places in Shanxi, the authors deduce that the alkaline magma activity in the middle of North China during the Early Cretaceous is closely to the destruction of North China Craton under the background of the subduction of Pacific plate.
2020 Vol. 7 (5): 66-76 [Abstract] ( 359 ) RICH HTML PDF (8797 KB)  ( 116 )
77 Latest active age and model of the faults in Longquanshan fault belt
LIU Liang, LIANG Bin, YAN Zhonglin, SU Hua, HE Xuefeng
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2020.05.09
Longquanshan fault belt belongs to Longmenshan foreland uplift, which is closely related to the uplift evolution of Longmenshan in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In order to explore the fault activity model, period and era characteristics of Longquanshan fault belt, some gouge samples were collected at different fault locations of Longquanshan fault belt. SEM was adopted for trace and dissolution micromorphology observation, and ESR was used to test the latest active age. Combined with the regional seismic data, further research on the seismic potential of Longquanshan fault belt was conducted. The results show that the main model of activity in Longquanshan fault belt is stick slip, with creep characteristics. The faults are characterized by multiple periods of activity. The strong acitivity era is the Early Pleistocene-Middle Pleistocene, there were obvious activities in the Late Pleistocene, and there weren’t any obvious activities in the Pliocene. The latest active ages measured by SEM, ESR, TL range from (1210±121) to (110±10.0) ka. The latest active age and activity is characterized with segmen tation, featured with weak activity in the middle segments and strong activity in the north and south segments. Longquanshan fault belt is an active fault belt with certain seismic potential. The earthquakes are distributed zonally along Longquanshan fault belt. However, its activity has been greatly reduced, compared with Longmenshan fault belt in the western part.
2020 Vol. 7 (5): 77-87 [Abstract] ( 424 ) RICH HTML PDF (9686 KB)  ( 196 )
88 Discussion on the formation and evolutionary history of Shangyi-Longhua regional fault in northern Hebei Province
MA Chao, WANG Jingui, ZHANG Xinquan, ZHANG Zixuan, LI Dian, ZHANG Xinzheng, XU Fan
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2020.05.10
Shangyi-Longhua regional fault was EW distributed near northern Hebei Province, which was first active in the Late Neoarchean (Late Fuping) and still active in the Holocene and even today. Therefore, exploring its formation and evolutionary history is of great significance to study its geological structure, mineral distribution and the influence of Neotectonic movement on human beings in northern Hebei Province. The regional faults in Shangyi-Longhua are strong complex deformation zones through the census of the tectonic rocks and all kinds of directional structures in the fault zone. The ductile deformation and brittle deformation are alternating with characters of chronicity, multiphase activity, propensity and nature variation. Shangyi-Longhua regional fault is one of the important dividing lines of tectonic units of different levels in different periods in northern Hebei Province, which plays an important role in controlling the development and evolution of geological history on both sides. The authors redefined the structure superposition transformation relation and the development period, according to the superimposed relationship of the sturcture, the corresponding relationship between metamorphic degree of mylonites and the regional metamorphism, and the corresponding relationship between the movement model reflected by the shear-pointed fabric and the principal stress of the regional tectonic movement. Combined with the metamorphic mineral age of the predecessor tectonites, the authors divided the fault structure into two construction phases and nine tectonic active periods.
2020 Vol. 7 (5): 88-94 [Abstract] ( 227 ) RICH HTML PDF (4990 KB)  ( 142 )
95 Characteristics of marine strata distribution in South Yellow Sea based on airborne gravity and magnetic data
TONG Jing, ZHANG Wan, ZHANG Xuanjie, XIONG Shengqing
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2020.05.11
Based on the high accuracy airborne gravity and magnetic data of South Yellow Sea, combined with the characteristics of gravitational and magnetic field and geophysical properties, the authors analyzed the matched filtering through radially averaged logarithmic power spectrum to separate and extract the gravity and magnetic anomaly caused by the interfacial fluctuation of marine strata. And the depth of the marine strata interface of South Yellow Sea was interpreted by the tangent and Vaquier methods. The authors also compiled the depth of the bottom and top interface of the marine strata after geological and geophysical interpretations. In addition, a preliminary division of South Yellow Sea marine strata tectonic units was carried out and the strata distribution was also discussed. The central depression and southern depression of Subei- South Yellow Sea depression area were developed on the strongly magnetic basement, with weak tectonic deformation. The marine strata remain intact with a shallow depth of 4 km to 8 km. South Yellow Sea is the oil and gas exploration area with great resource potential.
2020 Vol. 7 (5): 95-106 [Abstract] ( 270 ) RICH HTML PDF (9572 KB)  ( 120 )
107 Technology and method research on the early detection of high-level collapse based on the nap-of-the-object photography
LIANG Jingtao, TIE Yongbo, ZHAO Cong, ZHANG Su
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2020.05.12
The high-level collapse has the characteristics of high altitude difference and strong sudden occurrence, so it is difficult to forecast accurately. It is of great significance to carry out the early detection of high-level collapse for disaster prevention and mitigation. It is difficult and inefficient to carry out field investigation by manual work and it is easy to form investigation blind areas. It is difficult to effectively obtain the key parameters such as the occurrence of rock structural plane, joint combination characteristics and fracture geometry characteristics by common investigation techniques. Therefore, the authors applied the nap-of-the-object photography technology with the advantage of high resolution and mutilangle to the early detection of high-level collapse. Taking Guoda-shan high-level collapse in Kangding County as an example, the authors summarized the detailed application process of this technology, which can provide some reference for the geological disaster investigation and early recognition of high-level collapse. The research results show that the nap-of-the-object photography can be used to identify sub-centimeter scale fractures in the rock mass, especially suitable for the high-level collapse investigation and early identification. And on the basis of high-precision 3D model and space analytic geometry theory, the occurrence of rock structural plane can be calculated by three-point method.
2020 Vol. 7 (5): 107-113 [Abstract] ( 320 ) RICH HTML PDF (5534 KB)  ( 190 )
114 Application of remote sensing technology in emergency rescue decision about “6·17” Danba River debris flow disaster chain
TANG Yao, WANG Lijuan, ZHAO Juan, ZHANG Chengxin
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2020.05.13
On June 17, 2020, a mudslide occurred in Meilongou of Banshanmen Town, Danba County of Sichuan Province, which blocked Xiaojinchuan River and formed a barrier lake, causing heavy property losses and casualties. In order to grasp the first-hand disaster situation and assist emergency rescue and other disposals, combined with the UAV aerial photography data and post-disaster site survey and other data, the authors used the domestic high-score 2 satellite data as the main data source to carry out the emergency investigation and analytical research of emergency rescue decision about “6.17” Danba River debris flow disaster chain. The results show that the affected population is about 65,000 and the nearest emergency rescue teams are from State Grid Danba County Power Supply Company and China Unicom of Xiaojin Country. Five schools, such as Banshanmen middle school, could be used as temporary resettlement shelters. There are six mining enterprises, one important reservoir and one hydropower station affected by the disaster. The debris flow gully is NE—SE distributed, covering about 142,700 m2. And the barrier lake is about 1.03 km2, covering 498,000 m2. The totally destroyed roadbed and road surface were about 2.1 km and there are 9 suspected disaster hidden dangers in the lower reach. Whats more, 25 residential houses and 5 bridges were damaged by the disaster. Two rescue lifelines with good post-disaster accessibility to the severely affected debris flow areas were chosen. With the help of remote sensing technology, the in-depth analysis of the pre-judgment of the affected population by the debris flow disaster chain, emergency investigation of the disaster situation and disaster damage, and the selection of emergency rescue lifelines were successfully conducted, which has great guiding significance in the emergency rescue and disaster prevention and mitigation in the mountainous areas of Southwest China with similar geological conditions.
2020 Vol. 7 (5): 114-122 [Abstract] ( 280 ) RICH HTML PDF (9905 KB)  ( 99 )
123 Application of Digital Elevation Model in the geological mapping of the coastal plain of Tianjin
HUANG Meng, ZHANG Xuebin, HAN Rongwen, LI Jijun
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2020.05.14
Tianjin coastal plain is flat and its landform is not easy to be divided. The grain size of the sediments is fine, with poor remote sensing interpretation accuracy and field identification, which leads to weak geological map expression effect by the traditional geological survey method. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is a digital representation of the topographic surface and it has 3D visual information that cannot be expressed by the general topographic map, which can truly reflect the features of the landform. The authors divided the geomorphic units of shallow sediments during the geological mapping process of Tianjin coastal plain based on DEM and the geological survey of the route, the construction of the shallow groove drilling and the sample testing. The shallow sediments can be divided into three sedimentary systems: fluvial sedimentary system, transgression sedimentary systm and deltaic sedimentary system. The fluvial sedimentary system includes several genetic types of point bar, oxbow lake, crevasse splay, natural levee, flood basin and lake marsh. And the transgression sedimentary system can be divided into beach ridge, overland fan, high tide flat, residual lagoon, while the deltaic sedimentary system includes the delta front. DEM can fully make up for the shortage of remote sensing images after the comparative analysis with the results of remote sensing interpretation of different types. Besides, DEM can also be used for the detailed genetic classification of the shallow sediments and improve the cognition about shallow geological process, which will guide the field mapping. The application of high-precision DEM data to the geological mapping on the covered areas of quaternary system can greatly improve the mapping accuracy and efficiency, and provide basic geological support for urban ecological security, territorial space planning and industrial structure layout.
2020 Vol. 7 (5): 123-133 [Abstract] ( 233 ) RICH HTML PDF (10620 KB)  ( 109 )
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