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2023 Vol. 10, No. 4
Published: 2023-08-20
Progress of commonweal helium resource survey and research
LI Yuhong, ZHOU Junlin, HAN Wei, WEI Jianshe
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2023.04.01
The basic theory and exploration technology of helium resource in China have been lacking for a long time. In order to enhance the support capability of domestic helium resource, Xi'an Center of China Geological Survey took Weihe Basin as a base to carry out a continuous exploration on this unpopular field for over ten years. Geological research, geophysical exploration, geochemical surveying, helium survey of geothermal wells, gas logging, and modern testing technology were employed to pioneer the fundamental geological survey of helium. The geological conditions for helium enrichment have been successfully identified and prospective areas have been delineated in Weihe Basin. Furthermore, the reservoir formation theory of weakly sourced helium from crustal source was proposed and various accumulation models were established. Consequently, the essential requirements for helium-rich formation (with a minimum helium content of 0.1%) have been summarized, and the technical methods for investigating helium resource have been developed. This project has supported the identification of the domestic first mining claims for helium in Weihe Basin, and presented a pathway to secure helium resource, leading a “new round” of helium fever. The comprehensive summary of the progress made in the survey and research of commonweal helium resource was summarized, which could provide valuable insights for colleagues in the same field to carry out related research.
2023 Vol. 10 (4): 1-8 [
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Investigation and analysis of geothermal resources in Pingyuan County of Shandong Province
WANG Xiuqin, YAN Yan, BAI Tong, ZHOU Hailong, LU Zewa
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2023.04.02
The social and economic development of Pingyuan County in Shandong Province is rapid, but there are problems such as tightening resources and environmental constraints, ecosystem degradation, serious environmental pollution, and frequent occurrence of extreme weather such as smog, highlighting the seriousness of energy conservation and emission reduction. In order to ensure the necessary energy supply for urban and rural development, the authors in this paper carried out supplementary investigation of the reasearch area, based on the existing geothermal resource development data in the reasearch area. The relevant hydrogeological parameters were obtained through drilling and testing, and the geothermal resources in the reasearch area were calculated by using the geothermal calculator software. Besides, the well spacing was optimized according to the relationship between the well spacing and the temperature, water level, economic cost of the wells. The results show that the distance between thermal storage and irrigation wells in the reasearch area is set to be 400 m, which can make sure the environment is not affected. This research is beneficial to the sustainable development and utilization of geothermal resources.
2023 Vol. 10 (4): 9-17 [
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Application of comprehensive geophysical prospecting method in concealed karst area: A case study from Ning 2019H18 drilling platform in Changning shale gas area
CAI Congde, XIE Lincheng, HE Zhihao, ZHU Xiafei, HUANG Teng
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2023.04.03
Karst collapse is a common geological problem in the process of engineering construction in carbonate rock areas because of its concealment and sudden occurrence. The karst collapse is widely developed in Changning area, therefore, the exploitation and utilization of shale gas is hampered by extensive karst collapse. In this paper, the authors used micromotion, high-precision gravity, transient surface wave and equivalent anti-flux geophysical prospecting methods to investigate the subsurface geological condition of Ning 2019H18 drilling platform, and ascertained the development of earth cave and karst cave, which were tested by the drilling data. The main achievements are as follous. ①The microgravity is high in southeast and low in northwest, and the gravity response indicates that the southeast bedrock has large density and complete structure, and that the northwest bedrock has low density. ②The micromotion response profile is well corresponded with the microgravity, and the court page is high in southeast and low in northwest. And the wave velocity is positively related to its density. ③The distribution of underground soft strata was also verified, and the southeast bedrocks were completely preserved. A fractured zone exists in the northwest of the area, filled with cracked and soft completely weathered sandstane, which has low bearing capacity. The 3D visualized physical prospecting achievements could provide directions for the next establishment of the area, and some scientific references for similar engineering cases.
2023 Vol. 10 (4): 18-28 [
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Comparative study of Xiasima iron deposit in Tibet and typical North China iron deposits
GAO Xinyu, WANG Denghong, HUANG Fan, WANG Chenghui, LI Yubin, LI Yang
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2023.04.04
In recent years, great achievements have been made in the exploration of sedimentary metamorphic iron deposits in North China block. However, the exploration and research degree of such iron deposits in Tibet are relatively low. By sorting out the exploration data of Xiasima deposit and comparing it with five typical deposits in North China, the authors in this paper concluded that Xiasimaivon deposit belongs to granular iron formation (GIF), and the metallogenic age is Mesoproterozoic (1.80~1.25 Ga). The genesis of this deposit may be due to the oxidation and precipitation mineralization of ferrous iron in the shallow continental shelf caused by terri-genous weathering and submarine hydrothermal solution. The overall ore enrichment may be caused by the original sedimentation, leaching of magmatic hydrothermal solution, regional metamorphism and other factors. The next prospecting work should be focused on Nielamu Group and Yadong Group of the high Himalayan metallogenic sub belt, which are particularly important. Gravity and magnetic anomalies can be used as important prospecting indicators, but attentions should be paid to the interpretation of local low and slow anomalies. Fracture and folding will affect the final positioning of the ore body, and the identification of its properties should be appreciated. The comparative study of iron deposits in these two regions could also provide some references for the exploration of sedimentary metamorphic iron deposits in Tibet.
2023 Vol. 10 (4): 29-36 [
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Geological characteristics, diagenesis and mineralization of key gold concentration areas in Liaoning Province
YUAN He, BAI Yinzeng, GENG Shufeng, HONG Xiuwei, WANG Denghong
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2023.04.05
As the important gold producing province in China, Liaoning Province has strong Mesozoic tectonic and magmatic activities, with great gold mineralization. Liaoning Province is divided into five key gold concentration areas, according to the spatial distribution characteristics of gold deposits. In order to deeply understand the diagenesis and mineralization of gold deposits in each gold concentration area, the authors systematically analyzed the geological characteristics, diagenesis and mineralization age, and the geochemistry of the gold concentration area. The results show that the gold mineralization in each gold concentration area is related to the magmatic activities of Indosinian and Yanshanian periods, and the metallogenic time is concentrated in 126~118 Ma and 225~188 Ma. The sulfur in gold ores in Western Liaoning gold concentration area belongs to mantle sulfur, while the sulfur in Eastern Liaoning gold concentration area comes from magmatic and metamorphic rock strata. The Pb in ore source of each ore concentration area has the characteristics of crust mantle mixed source. The source areas of the five key gold concentration areas are composed of the products of different magmatic evolution stages in the same magmatic source area. The ore material sources of five important gold concentration areas are magmatic evolution products from one magmatic source under different stages, and the diagenetic and diagenetic minerals are the products of partial melting of the lower crust, with the participation of some mantle derived materials. The geological model for gold prospecting prediction in Liaoning Province was established, combined with the recent prospecting progress, which could provide a new idea for further regional mineral exploration.
2023 Vol. 10 (4): 37-45 [
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Structural evolution characteristics of Campos Basin of South America and the influence of its tectonic activities on hydrocarbon accumulation conditions
YANG Songqi, HE Shan, ZHENG Qiugen, TIAN Naxin, TAO Chongzhi, ZHANG Yi
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2023.04.06
In order to explore the influence of tectonic activities on hydrocarbon accumulation conditions in Campos Basin in South America, the authors in this research investigated the dynamic background of basin formation, tectonism and sedimentation in different evolution stages, the development characteristics of source, reservoir and cover in different strata and their relationship with tectonism. And the controing effect of various structural activities on hydrocarbon accumulation conditions in Campos Basin during its evolution process was analyzed, including source rocks, reservoirs, cap rocks, traps, migration channels and oil and gas preservation. The results show that the uplift of Tristan mantle plume is the power source that causes the extension and splitting of South Atlantic Plate and the clockwise rotation of South American Plate. The Rio Grande-Walvis Ridge caused by Tristan hotspot and the scissor splitting from south to north is the main reasons for the closed-semi to closed environment of the middle South Atlantic Basin, including Campos Basin, in the stage of intracontinental rift and intercontinental rift, resulting in the formation of high-quality source rocks in rift strata, evaporite in transitional strata and marine source rocks in lower part of continental drift strata. The fault activities of Campos Basin in the rift period formed graben, semi-graben and tilting fault blocks, which controlled the distribution of subsalt source rocks, microbial carbonate reservoirs and oil and gas traps. The salt rock activities and salt diapir in the transitional layer system controlled the distribution of the salt caprock of subsalt oil and gas system, the formation of oil and gas migration channels from subsalt to upsalt and the distribution of turbidite reservoirs above salt. The revelation of these internal relations has certain reference value for the analysis of oil and gas accumulation law and controlling factors in passive continental margin and the deployment of oil and gas exploration.
2023 Vol. 10 (4): 46-56 [
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Discovery and sedimentary environment of dinosaur fossils from Shaximiao Formation in Wangcang County, Sichuan Province
QIN Yulong, YE Chunlin, ZHAN Hanyu, LI Zheng, XIONG Changli, YANG Xuejun
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2023.04.07
Sichuan Province is an important producing area of dinosaur fossil sites in China, and a series of dinosaur fossils were discovered in this area for a long time. In 2021, another group of fossils dominated by Sauropods, together with the Coelurosaur, Carnivora,
and turtles, was found in the upper part of Shaximiao Formation of Middle Jurassic in Wangcang County of Guangyuan City. It is a rare dinosaur fossil burial site with rich population, high density and concentrated distribution in China. Through geological mapping, profile disclosure, fossil statistics, microfacies analysis and other means, the authors comprehensively analyzed the lithologic association, structural characteristics and other factors, and concluded that the clastics source is from Longmen Moutain, Daba Mountain and Micang Moutain, and the sedimentary environment belongs to channel and interchannel microfacies of delta plain subfacies. The taphonomy characteristics indicate that these fossils were heterochthonousburial, and had not been transported for long distance. The further discovery of dinosaur fossils in Wangcang County strongly suggest that it has an advantageous condition for investigation, research and excavation of dinosaur fossils, which could provide some references for the in-depth research of pale-environment, paleoecologic change, and systematic evolution of basinal dinosaur in Sichuan Basin.
2023 Vol. 10 (4): 57-64 [
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Progress on tellurium enrichment in the ocean ferromanganese crusts
SUN Yang, CUI Yingchun, MA Lijie, FANG Xisheng, ZHANG Hao, CHEN Shaocong, ZONG Shi, WANG Weixuan, WANG Qingchao
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2023.04.08
The element tellurium is widely used in industrial production, but it is depleted in the earth's crust and riched in oceanic ferromanganese crusts. The authors in this paper reviewed the study about the enrichment process of tellurium in ferromanganese crusts, and it is found that the tellurium content in ferromanganese crusts in various regions is different. For example the tellurium in the E 90° ridge region in Indian Ocean with the increasing trends from north to south. Temporally, the content of tellurium in the old crust is higher, and the tellurium flux would vary with the growh ratios of crusts.The Tellurium element occurs as multi-mineral phases and has multi-sources in ferromanganese crusts, which is controlled by the oceanic physical and chemical process. This research would be beneficial to the development of mineralization theory of dispersed elements.
2023 Vol. 10 (4): 65-71 [
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Hydrogeochemical characteristics of groundwater and its impacts on ancient tombs in Baling Mountain Tomb Group Reserve
XUE Xiaobin, MA Zhen, WANG Yuting, SHI Changbo, LI Zhimin
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2023.04.09
There are about 560 super-large, large and medium-size tombs buried in Baling Mountain of Jingzhou in Hubei Province, which contains important historical and cultural significance. However, it is lack of in-depth understanding of the hydrogeochemical characteristics of groundwater that affect the buried conditions of ancient tombs. Thus, it is of great importance to conduct dynamic monitoring and analysis of groundwater level to reveal the potential effect of hydrogeochemistry condition of ancient tombs. Based on hydrogeological survey, groundwater hydrochemistry, stable isotope analysis and geochemical simulation, the authors in this paper identified the hydrogeochemical characteristics of groundwater in Baling Mountain Tomb Group Reserve (BMTGR), and revealed the main hydrogeochemical processes of underground environment. The results showed that the groundwater of BMTGR originated from atmospheric rainfall. The rain water seeped through the aeration zone into the phreatic aquifer, phreatic-confined aquifer and deep confined aquifer in turn, and phreatic-confined aquifer has experienced a certain degree of evaporation. Groundwater pH value ranges from 6.50 to 8.06, showing the sightly acidic to weakly alkaline water environment condition. The main hydrochemical type of groundwater is Ca-HCO
with TDS (total dissolved solid, TDS) range of 149.30~608.56 mg/L, and the ionic components are mainly derived from water-rock interactions. The weathering and dissolution of silicate rocks, calcite and dolomite dissolution/precipitation balance and ion exchange are the dominant control process of groundwater hydrochemistry. Vertical infiltration is an important way of groundwater migration, affecting the burial conditions of ancient tombs in BMTGR. The water environment caused by strong water-rock interaction may affect the buried conditions of ancient tombs. This research could provide scientific basis for the preservation and utilization of cultural relics and large site, and some references for geologic environment monitoring and strong nation of socialist culture.
2023 Vol. 10 (4): 72-80 [
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Development law of karst fractures in the thermal storage of Wumishan Formation in Southern Plain District of Tianjin
QIU Jingwei, XIN Yuqi, SHAO Bingsong, LIU Zan
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2023.04.10
Wumishan Formation in Jixian System is the main-developed thermal storage formation in Tianjin, and the research on this layer mainly focuses on the temperature field, dynamic field, water chemistry field and surface water reinjection of the thermal reservoir, with little research on the karst fracture of thermal storage. In this paper, the authors analyzed and compared the completion and logging data of over 100 geothermal wells in Wumishan Formation in Tianjin to summarize the development of karst fractures of Class I and II in different structural units of Wumishan Formation, the burial depth of the thermal storage roof, the water inflow per unit of geothermal wells, the overlying different strata, and the development law of karst fractures. The results show that the karst fractures of Wumishan Formation are relatively developed, and the distance between the leakage site and the buried depth of the thermal storage roof plate is concentrated at a shallow distance of 100 m. The karst at the top of the hot reservoir is relatively developed, and fracture development is not greatly affected by different strata overlying the layer. The correlation between the fracture development and the burial depth of the roof of the layer is not obvious, but the overall fracture development tends to decrease slightly with the increase of the burial depth of the roof plate. The unit water inflow of geothermal wells increases with the increase of fracture development, and the heat storage fracture ratio is concentrated between 0.1 and 0.4. Under the influence of structure, the fractures of heat storage structure are more developed in the tensile fault structural zone, fault intersection and anticline axis. The research results could provide some references for the effective development and utilization of geothermal energy and geothermal drilling in Wumishan Formation of Tianjin.
2023 Vol. 10 (4): 81-88 [
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Spatiotemporal variation characteristics and sedimentation rate of sediment grain size in Fangchenggang Sea of Guangxi
PANG Guotao, YANG Yuanzhen, ZHANG Xiaolei, XIE Lei, YAN Xingguo, HU Yanbin, ZENG Jiao
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2023.04.11
Sediment particle size characteristics are important parameters reflecting sedimentary environment. In order to understand the sedimentary evolution law of Fangchenggang Sea area, the authors carried out grain size analysis and
Pb isotope dating on five core sediments in the vertical coastline direction of Fangchenggang coastal waters, and obtained the grain size parameter change characteristics, sediment types and sedimentation rates of the five core sediments respectively. The Fangchenggang landform and human activities, the material source, sedimentation dynamics and sedimentation rate influencing factors were also considered. The results show that the variation range of grain size parameters of FC13Z, FC16Z and FC12Z above 60 cm is relatively small, indicating a relatively stable sedimentary environment. While, the variation range of grain size parameters of FC14Z, FC15Z and FC12Z below 60 cm is relatively large, indicating a relatively fluctuating sedimentary environment. The sediment sorting is relatively poor to poor, and the skewness is nearly symmetrical positive, with a very flat peak. The core sediments in the study area can be divided into seven types: sandy silt, silty sand, sandy mud, argillaceous sand, pebbly argillaceous sand, pebbly mud and mud. The sediment from the nearshore to the front edge gradually converts from sand dominated to mud dominated, and the sedimentation rate shows a significant weakening trend. The sediment source is mainly from river input and coastal erosion, and the sedimentary power mainly comes from tidal current and nearshore current system. The sedimentation rate is greatly affected by the tidal current. The results of this study would provide some references for the sedimentary environment and geomorphological evolution study in the coastal waters of Fangchenggang Sea.
2023 Vol. 10 (4): 89-97 [
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Analysis of water-controlling factors and water-rich zoning of fractured bedrock aquifers in Yongshou County of Shaanxi Province
SONG Yaya, ZHANG Peidong, LI Hui, LI Chen, FENG Jingkang
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2023.04.12
In order to systematically investigate the water-rich law of fractured bedrock aquifers in Yongshou County of Shaanxi Province, the authors in this paper combined the traditional hydrogeological survey method and statistical theory, and analyzed the water-controlling factors of fractured bedrock aquifers and water-rich zoning based on the data of 96 boreholes. The results show that the thickness of fractured bedrock aquifers has obvious spatial difference, and the thickness of sandstone fissure aquifers has greater spatial difference than that of the limestone fissure aquifers. The water-rich characteristics of bedrock fissure aquifers is mainly controlled by lithology, structure, bedrock topography and recharge and discharge, and the water storage types are mainly weathered fissure water, tectonic fissure water and diagenetic fissure water. The water-rich target areas are delineated and classified as follows: the water-rich areas of Ordovician limestone karst water in south of Laolongshan fault in the northeastern uplift of Weibei area, the water-rich areas of carbonate karst fissure near Mawoowan reservoir of Yijing fault depression zone, and water-rich areas of clastic rock fissure water near Beishunshi village of Changning Town in the heart of the loess plateau, with stable water yield above 1 000 m
/d. The research results could provide scientific decision-making basis for the construction of backup water source areas and scientific reference for the study of water abundance in similar areas.
2023 Vol. 10 (4): 98-106 [
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Sensitivity analysis of inducing factors of slope geological hazards based on CF Model: A case study of Xinning County in Hunan Province
LIU Zhongnan, GAO Yinmei, JIANG He, HUANG Yongwei, DING Huadong, YAN Zhiqiang
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2023.04.13
The main controlling factors of slope geological hazards and their influence degrees are different in different regions and geological backgrounds. Analyzing the sensitivity of hazard inducing factors is beneficial to improve the accuracy of slope geological hazards prediction. On the basis of data collection and field investigation, the authors in this research selected eight factors, including slope, elevation, profile curvature, stratum, geolo-gical time, slope structure, fault, river and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), as the inducing factors of slope geological hazards. The sensitivity analysis is conducted by the certainty factor (CF) model based on GIS platform, and the sensitivity index was used to analyze the sensitivity of each factor and divide the sensitivity zones. The results show that areas with the most prone to disasters included characteristics of slope ≥40°, elevation [600,700) m, profile curvature ≥0.6, Triassic and Permian, along slope, [0, 500) m from the fault, [0, 200) m from the river and NDVI between [0.233, 0.595). The sensitivity was divided into five sensitive zones, namely extremely high, high, medium, low and extremely low. At the same time, the disaster data from 2020 to 2021 were used to verify that 87.50% of the disasters were located in extremely high and high sensitive areas, verifying the rationality of this study. The research results lay a foundation for the next step of risk assessment, and provide a reference for disaster prevention and for other counties and districts in Hunan Province.
2023 Vol. 10 (4): 107-115 [
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Geological hazards evaluation of northern mountainous area in Jizhou District of Tianjin based on ArcGIS
YUAN Tingting, QI Chao, XI Xueping, GAO Xuefei, YANG Bin, LUO Fugui
DOI: 10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2023.04.14
In order to investigate the potential risks of geological disasters in the northern mountainous area in Jizhou District of Tianjin and better ensure the safety of people’s lives and property, the authors in this paper selected relevant evaluation factors based on the ArcGIS platform to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of geological disasters in the northern mountainous area of Jizhou District, using semi quantitative method of mathematical comprehensive evaluation. The evaluation results indicate that the main geological hazards in the study area are collapses, landslides and mudslides. The area of high and medium risk areas is about 247.76 km
, accounting for 25.59% of the area of Jizhou District. The high risk areas are mainly distributed in scenic areas with high terrain and densely populated areas such as Huangyaguan and Changzhou Village-Huanghuashan in the northern part of the research area. The high risk areas of geological disasters are mostly concentrated in areas with high susceptibility to geological disasters, and extremely high risk and high risk geological disaster distribution areas. These areas have intensive human activities, making them the focus of future geological disaster monitoring and warning. The research results could provide reliable scientific basis and information for disaster prevention, emergency management, and decision-making and command work of national and local governments.
2023 Vol. 10 (4): 116-122 [
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Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China
Geological Survey of China
National Geological Library of China
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Geological Society of China
Shandong Land and Resources
East China Geology
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